rocking back and forth, hand flapping, shaking or tapping objects in the hand), and are hypersensitive to particular things such as the texture of clothing or food.
In the first video observation, Ian engages in repetitive movements, such as hand flapping, and it seems that he has communication deficits for the reason that he did not say a single word during the time mom was interacting with him. It is expected that a two-year-old child will be able to produce sounds and words, but from the observation we can determine and come to the conclusion that there is a speech and language delay in Ian. In the second video observation, Brigette engages in stereotyped behavior by repeatedly making a coughing sound when she is close to the bathroom wall and she also repeatedly twists and shakes her hands. In terms of her social communication and interaction, Brigette does not pronounce her words clearly, she seems to be more preoccupied in grabbing the shower curtain, and she has difficulties remaining engaged in conversations for the reason that the speaker had …show more content…
Research studies have shown that few early signs of autism are displayed when they are a few months old as an infant and some of the early signs that are not part of the DSM-V include unusually high activity level and sleep difficulties (Guinchat et al., 2012). In sum, autism diagnoses is becoming more common and prevalent and professionals need to closely observe an individual’s behavior to see whether the behavior and/or symptoms meet the criteria of ASD and to make the correct