Pro. English
January 28, 2014
Diagnostic Essay
You cannot get to the end of the rainbow and there are no leprechauns
safekeeping a pot of gold. A rainbow is like a mirage. It is not an object, and
cannot be approached. Rainbow is a full circle of color in the sky caused by
water droplets viewed from a certain angle relative to the sun ray 's. It will be
impossible for an observer to see a rainbow from water droplets at any angle
other than the customary 42 degrees from the direction opposite to the sun.
From our perspective on Earth, we only see the top half of the rainbow and the
two ends only appear to touch the ground. You might be able to stand at the end
of the rainbow
(at least the apparent end of it) that someone else sees a mile or
two away. But, if that someone moved to where you are, the rainbow would be
seen at a different location or completely disappear.
In the Genesis account, a rainbow appears right after the great wide flood
brought in order to remove sinful and evil-minded man from the earth. It
symbolized God 's mercy and the covenant He made with Noah (representing
mankind) not to destroy the world in such a way again:
"And God said: 'This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me
and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual
" 'I set my rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant
between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth,
that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My
covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all
flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.
The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the
everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh
that is on the earth. ' ” (Genesis 9:12-16)
Work Cited:
_Good News Bible_. Susan Lightly, ed. Birmingham: Liturgical Publications, 1954.
"Rainbow. n.d. (accessed January 28, 2014).