Style Guide for ASABE Technical Publications Numbers Units of Measurement Time and Dates Abbreviations in Text Abbreviations in References Abbreviations of States and Territories Figures Tables Equations References ASABE Format for Journal Articles and Meeting and Conference Papers
Style Guide for ASABE Technical Publications
All material should be written in clear, correct American English. All ASABE technical publications use the same editorial style. The best way to become familiar with the general style of ASABE technical publications is to review a recent issue of an ASABE journal. Journal articles and books are edited and prepared for publication by ASABE staff. The ASABE templates provide a manuscript format that is suitable for review and later input into the ASABE …show more content…
production system. ASABE staff will do the layout for the PDF files of these publications, and also move the material into XML for the ASABE Technical Library. Papers from meetings and conferences are not edited by ASABE staff. The ASABE templates for these publications help authors provide a uniform, professional appearance for the PDF file of these publications, and also facilitate moving the material into XML for the ASABE Technical Library. Please use this Style Guide along with an ASABE template for your publication type. If you have questions about style, usage, technical terms, or reference citations, please contact Glenn Laing at or 269-932-7014.
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In general, use words for numbers one through nine, and use digits for 10 and over. For a series of numbers, any of which are over 10, use digits for all. Use digits for values followed by abbreviated units. For example: There were five hens in the pen. Use 5 mL of water. The component consisted of 231 parts. The mixture contained 2 parts magnesium, 12 parts copper, and 8 parts lead. When two numbers occur as adjacent adjectives, spell out the first one: There were thirty 9 mm holes in the first section. When a number begins a sentence, spell it out or rewrite the sentence: Fifty samples were prepared. We prepared 50 samples.
Units of Measurement
Express all units of measure in SI (metric) units. You may include U.S. Customary units in parentheses in special instances, such as for specifications that were originally supplied in nonmetric units. For a further explanation of units and conversions, refer to ASAE Standard EP285.7: “Use of SI (Metric) Units.” There should be a space between the number and the unit: 5g 20 ha except for percentages and degrees: 37% 27°C In a series of measurements, indicate the unit at the end: 3, 6, and 8 cm. except for percentages and degrees: 2°C to 10°C (not 2 to 10°C) 15% to 25% (not 15 to 20%) Precede fractional decimal values with a zero: 0.0125 (not .0125) A comma is optional for numbers consisting of four digits: 1000 kg or 1,000 kg Use a comma for four-digit and larger numbers: 10,000 kg (not 10000 kg) For publications other than journals, authors may use a space, e.g., 10 000 kg, if they prefer. Express derived units in exponent form with spaces between the elements of the derived unit: 12 kg m-2 32 MJ m-2 d-1
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Use the 24-hour clock notation, in which hours are numbered consecutively 1 through 24. The day begins at midnight (00:00 h), and the last minute of the day is at 23:59 h. The notation “24:00 h on 14 January” is the same time as “00:00 h on 15 January.” 4:00 a.m. = 04:00 h 12:00 noon = 12:00 h 10:43 p.m. = 22:43 h
Write all dates in day-month-year format, with no punctuation and with names, rather than numbers, for the months: 12 January 2002 29 April to 17 May 4 to 16 August In tables, the names of months may be abbreviated to save space, as: Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.
Abbreviations in Text
In general, spell out abbreviations that that might be unfamiliar to the ASABE audience. Such abbreviations only need to be spelled out at their first occurrence. Spell out the scientific name of an organism at its first occurrence in the text. After the first occurrence, you may use the first letter of the genus and spell out the specific epithet. Form plurals for abbreviations without an apostrophe: PCs, CVs, PhDs Omit periods after abbreviated units (except “in.” for inch): 5 m, 3.5 in., 30 cm Abbreviate units only after a numeric value: 24 h Several hours later The following abbreviations are widely used in material published by ASABE: alternating current AC ampere A bushel bu coefficient of variation CV cultivar cv. (e.g., Syringa vulgaris cv. Mont Blanc) direct current DC dry basis d.b. hectare ha hour h inch in. inside diameter i.d. joule J kilok (as in kV)
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liter L microμ (as in μV) millim (as in mL) minute min outside diameter o.d. pound lb second s standard deviation SD volt V watt W wet basis w.b. For more examples of abbreviations of units, see ASAE Standard EP285.7: “Use of SI (Metric) Units.”
Abbreviations in References
Do not abbreviate any words in titles of articles, chapters, books, or dissertations. Use conventional abbreviations (not postal abbreviations) for names of states and territories. ASABE journals are abbreviated as Trans. ASABE, Applied Eng. in Agric., J. Agric. Safety and Health, and Biol. Eng. Trans. For titles of other journals and conference proceedings: • Drop all minor words from journal titles (the, of, and, etc.) unless their omission could cause confusion. • Abbreviate similar words consistently. • Use the abbreviations below for the titles of journals and proceedings that appear in bibliographic references: Agriculture, Agricultural Agric. Agronomy Agron. Annals, Annual Ann. Applications Applic. Applied Appl. Association Assoc. Biology, Biological Biol. Chemistry, Chemical Chem. Communications Comm. Conference Conf. Conservation Cons. Cooperative Coop. Division Div. Ecology, Ecological Ecol. Engineers, Engineering Eng. Entomology Entomol. Environment, Environmental Environ. Experiment, Experimental Exp. Extension Ext. Federation Fed.
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Fundamentals Goverment Horticulture Industry, Industrial Institute International Irrigation Journal Literature Management Mathematics Mechanics, Mechanical Medicine National Occupational Proceedings Processing Product, Production Publication, Publishing Research Resource Review Science Society Statistics Symposium System Technical, Technology Transactions
Fund. Gov. Hort. Ind. Inst. Intl. Irrig. J. Lit. Mgmt. Math. Mech. Med. Natl. Occup. Proc. Proc. Prod. Publ. Res. Res. (except the magazine Resource) Rev. Sci. (except the journal Science) Soc. Stat. Symp. Syst. Tech. Trans.
Abbreviations of States and Territories
Spell out the full name in the body of the article, as: The study was conducted on an experimental farm in Alabama. Use conventional abbreviations (Ala.) in the references. Use postal abbreviations (AL) only in postal addresses. Full name Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Canal Zone Colorado Connecticut Delaware page 5 of 15
Conventional Ala. Alaska Amer. Samoa Ariz. Ark. Cal. C.Z. Colo. Conn. Del.
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District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas United States Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
D.C. Fla. Ga. Guam Hawaii Idaho Ill. Ind. Iowa Kansas Ky. La. Maine Md. Mass. Mich. Minn. Miss. Mo. Mont. Neb. Nev. N.H. N.J. N.M. N.Y. N.C. N.D. Ohio Okla. Oregon Pa. P.R. R.I. S.C. S.D. Tenn. Texas U.S. Utah Vt. V.I. Va. Wash. W.V. Wisc. Wyo.
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ASABE applies the term “figure” to all types of illustration, including line drawings, graphs and charts, photographs, computer screen captures, etc. Include figures to emphasize points made in the text, not merely to illustrate tabular material graphically. Make your figures the size you prefer. Design them to make efficient use of space, keeping in mind that large figures increase page charges. For Applied Engineering in Agriculture and Transactions of the ASABE figures are generally the width of a column (20 picas, ~8.5 cm), but may be as wide as a page (41 picas, ~17.4 cm). For the other publications, make each figure no wider than the page width (for Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health and Biological Engineering Transactions, this is 28 picas, ~11.9 cm). Please observe the following points: • Insert each figure into your manuscript after the paragraph that first mentions it. Every figure must be explicitly mentioned in the text of the article. Number figures in order of their citation in the text and refer to them as figure 1, figure 2, etc. Abbreviate the word “figure” only in parentheses, e.g., (fig. 1). • Type a descriptive caption below each figure. The caption may be a sentence fragment or a few sentences long. • Figures should not have titles. • A figure may contain a legend, such as to define symbols. Place the legend either directly below the figure or within it. • It is generally not necessary to show all the data points and coordinate rulings. • If a point represents the mean of a number of observations, indicate the magnitude of the variability by a vertical line at each point. • Use a sans serif font, such as Arial, for all lettering in figures. The type size within the figure should be six to eight points. • Use boldface only for x- and y-axis titles. Use all capitals only when necessary (e.g., for acronyms). • If a figure contains multiple elements, label them (a), (b), (c), etc., using eight point bold (as in the sample figure), and identify them in the caption. • You may use horizontal or vertical type, but please avoid other angles. • All lines must be at least one-half point to reproduce in print and distinct from each other in appearance. • Color figures will display in color in the web version, but will be printed in grayscale. Please choose colors that reproduce as distinct gray values. Do not use yellow. Choose distinct line types (dashed, dotted, etc.) as well as different colors. • Do not crop the figure in Word because the cropping will not be retained as the figure moves through our production process. Instead, open the figure and delete the unwanted elements, or crop the figure then cut it and “Paste Special” as a picture or metafile to eliminate the cropped material. • Please provide .jpg or .tif files of photographs in case we need to enhance the images. When using a digital camera for your photos, use at least a medium setting for quality/file size. • For scans, use 600 dpi for black and white line art, and 300 dpi for color or grayscale (including photos). Higher resolution will not increase the quality of the published image. If you have questions about preparing figures for submission, please contact Pat Howard at or 269-932-7008. page 7 of 15 back to top July 2011
Sample figure and caption:
Tables are used for reporting extensive numerical data in an organized manner. The data presented in tables should neither be duplicated in figures nor reviewed extensively in the text. Design your tables to make efficient use of space, because large tables increase page charges. For Transactions of the ASABE and Applied Engineering in Agriculture, prepare each table to fit either one column (20 picas, ~8.5 cm) or the page width (41 picas, ~17.4 cm). Tables in Biological Engineering Transactions and Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health should be no wider than 28 picas, ~11.9 cm. For meeting and conference papers, make them no wider than the page size in the template. If necessary, tables may be placed sideways on the page. Please observe the following points: • Number the tables consecutively and refer to them in the text as table 1, table 2, etc. • Supply a descriptive caption for each table. The caption may be a sentence fragment or a few sentences long. • Please make your table in MS Word. Do not submit tables in a graphic format. • Do not include excessive text in the column headings. Place explanatory information in the table caption, in the manuscript text, or in a footnote at the bottom of the table. • Do not include columns of data that can be easily calculated from other columns.
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• Use horizontal rules to separate elements within a table. You may place additional rules under subheads or under heads that span two or more columns, and you may need to insert blank columns to achieve this (as in the sample table). • Use bracketed superscripted letters ([a], [b], [c], etc.) for explanatory footnotes within the table (as in the sample table). Assign footnotes to elements within a table in a left-to-right, top-to-bottom sequence. • Use asterisks (*, **) to indicate statistical significance, and explain the significance in a footnote. • Use lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.) to indicate statistical relationships among elements within a table, and explain the relationships in a footnote. If you have questions about preparing tables for submission, contact Pat Howard at pfhoward or 269-932-7008. Sample table and caption:
Table 2. Comparison of measured and simulated TGI values. Measured Simulated Value R2 CV[a] R2 CV[a] TGI initial 0.04 9.77 0.07 9.53 TGI final[b] 0.02 5.43 0.06 8.57 TGI average 0.03 7.64 0.65 8.02 [a] CV = coefficient of variation. [b] Based on partial data.
Do not derive or reproduce recognized equations; rather, cite a reference to a source and refer to the equation by its standard name. State only those assumptions and initial boundary conditions needed to understand the development of the equation. For new equations, state all assumptions and initial boundary conditions and give sufficient derivation for the reader to understand the development. Show only those mathematical steps required for comprehension. Interpret the significance of the mathematics, and indicate the accuracy and range of usefulness of the equations. For Transactions of the ASABE and Applied Engineering in Agriculture, prepare each equation to fit within the width of a column (20 picas, ~8.5 cm). For the other publication types, make each equation no wider than the page width (for Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health and Biological Engineering Transactions, this is 28 picas, ~11.9 cm). When necessary, break an equation before an operational sign or at a major bracket. Please observe the following points: • Insert each equation into your manuscript at the point where you would like it to appear in the published article. Small equations may be incorporated in the text. Equations that are separate from the text are introduced by the preceding text and a colon (see the sample equation). These equations are numbered consecutively. Refer to numbered equations as equation 1, equation 2, etc., or in parentheses as, e.g., (eq. 1). • When you can, prepare equations in using standard word-processing functions, superscripting, subscripting, and the Symbol font. Otherwise, use equation-editing software such as Equation Editor or MathType. Do not create equations that become graphic elements in Word as these cannot be edited.
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• The type style in the equation must match the type style in the corresponding text. Italicize lowercase variables. Do not italicize Greek letters. • Supply the equation number, in parentheses, to the right of the equation. Do not include the equation number within the equation editor box. • Define variables and supply SI units. If there are more than two such elements in an equation, then list them individually after the equation (as in the sample equation). Sample equation and equation number: The mass transfer coefficient is calculated as follows: hD = h ρa ca
where hD = mass transfer coefficient (m s-1) h = convection heat transfer coefficient (W m-2 K-1) ρa = material density (kg m-3) ca = material specific heat (J kg-1 K-1).
Citation of Online Material Journal Article Book Part of a Book Bulletin or Report Meeting Papers and Conference Proceedings Dissertation or Thesis Software Patent Unpublished Material List all cited references at the end of the text in the References section. Arrange the list alphabetically by the name of the first author; for references with more than one author, further arrange the list alphabetically by the names of the second author, third author, etc. • List two or more references by the same author (or authors) chronologically from oldest to most recent. • Indicate two or more references by the same author(s) in the same year by adding letters after the year of publication, e.g., 2007a, 2007b. • For use of abbreviations in references, see above. Citation of Online Material—For material that is available only or primarily online, with no reference to a printed version, list the author’s name, the title of the specific section from which you have drawn information, the name of the site, and the name of the publisher or sponsoring organization, the URL address, and the date you accessed the information.
MMWR. 2000. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: 26 June 2000. Atlanta, Ga.: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at: Accessed 17 December 2001.
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NSC. 2001. Injury Facts Online. Itasca, Ill.: National Safety Council. Available at: Accessed 17 December 2001. USDA. 1999. Wheat Production in the Upper Plains: 1998-1999. National Agricultural Statistics Database. Washington, D.C.: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Available at: Accessed 23 April 2000.
Journal Article—References for journal articles list the author(s), the year of publication, the full title of the article, the journal title, the volume number, the issue number (if any), and the page range.
Thoma, D. P., M. S. Moran, R. Bryant, M. Rahman, C. D. Holifield-Collins, S. Skirvin, E. E. Sano, and K. Slocum. 2006. Comparison of four models to determine surface soil moisture from C-band radar imagery in a sparsely vegetated semiarid landscape. Water Resources Res. 42: W01418, doi: 10.1029/2004WR003905. Waladi, W., B. Partek, and J. Manoosh. 1999. Regulating ammonia concentration in swine housing: Part II. Application examples. Trans. ASABE 43(4): 540-547.
If the journal article is not yet in print, indicate its current status instead of the page range as “submitted,” “in review,” or “in press”:
Renard, C., and T. Van Loon. 2002. Use of power equipment by youth in the Midwest: 19992001. J. Agric. Safety and Health 7(3): (in press).
Book—Book references list the author(s), the year of publication, the full title, the edition if other than the first, the place of publication, and the publisher. If you need to cite specific pages of a book, list them in the parenthetical citation, for example: (Allen, 1988, pp. 67-71).
Coombs, T. R., and F. C. Watson. 1997. Computational Fluid Dynamics. 3rd ed. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science. Gill, W. R., and G. E. Vanden Berg. 1968. Soil Dynamics in Tillage and Traction. Washington, D.C.: USDA-ARS. Available at: Accessed 12 April 2011. Griffin Jr., A. C. 1977. Cotton Ginners’ Handbook. Agricultural Handbook No. 503. Washington, D.C.: USDA.
Part of a Book—Identify a part of a book by chapter or section title and by page range. List the book editor if different from the author. Note that ASABE Standards receive unique treatment.
ASABE Standards. 1989. S352.1: Moisture measurement—Grain and seeds. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. Havelock, T. F. 1995. Statistical methods. In Practical Programming Applications, 223-227. Holland, Mich.: Overstreet Technical Publications. ISO. 2001. ISO 9613-1: Acoustics—Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors—Part 1: Calculation of the absorption of sound by the atmosphere. Geneva, Switzerland: ISO. Stratmeyer, H. A. 1965. Chapter 3: The goal of effective systems design. In Systems Design: Principles and Practices, 87-109. W. H. Pierre, ed. Chicago, Ill.: Graphics Publishing.
Bulletin or Report—Bulletins, reports, and other small, self-contained documents often do not have named authors. For the purpose of citing the document in your manuscript, use the name of the publishing organization as the author, abbreviated if necessary. Do not use “Anonymous.”
CDC. 2000. Infection vectors for E. coli and intervention strategies. CDC Reference No. 9923. Atlanta, Ga.: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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Jesperson, D. 1995. United States fruit and vegetable harvest projections: 1996. USDA-1007. Washington, D.C.: GPO. USDA-NASS. 1987. Soil erosion statistics. Washington, D.C.: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.
Meeting Papers and Conference Proceedings—A paper published independently or as part of a proceedings compilation must list all authors, the full title, the volume editors (if any), and the name and location of the publisher or sponsoring organization. Do not list the conference date and location.
Anthony, W. S. 1998. Performance characteristics of cotton ginning machinery. ASABE Paper No. 981010. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE. Cundiff, J. S., D. H. Vaughan, and D. J. Parrish. 1985. Pith separation procedure for processing whole-stalk sweet sorghum. In Proc. 5th Annual Solar and Biomass Workshop, 133-136. Ukiah, Cal.: Center for Solar Energy Research.
Dissertation or Thesis—Include the name of the academic department granting the degree.
Campbell, M. D. 1991. The lower limit of soil water potential for potato growth. PhD diss. Pullman, Wash.: Washington State University, Department of Agricultural Engineering. Lawrence, D. J. 1992. Effect of tillage and crop rotation on soil nitrate and moisture. MS thesis. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University, Department of Soil Science.
Software—An author’s name is rarely available for software products, so use a shortened version of the company name or product name, abbreviated if necessary, as the author. Do not use “Anonymous.”
SAS. 1990. SAS User’s Guide: Statistics. Ver. 6a. Cary, N.C.: SAS Institute, Inc. SPSS. 2000. SigmaPlot for Windows. Ver. 3.2. Chicago, Ill.: SPSS, Inc.
Patent—Identify patents by the inventor’s name, the year of issue, the full title, and the patent number.
Moulton, R. K. 1992. Method for on-site cleaning of contaminant filters in livestock housing facilities. U.S. Patent No. 3,2455,986. Richarde, J. 1983. Process for protecting a fluid product and installations for the realization of that process. French Patent No. 2,513,087 (in
Unpublished Material—Include references to personal communication and other unpublished material in the text of your manuscript. Include the source, the date, the location, and any other available information that can establish the authenticity of the reference. Write such references as parenthetical citations: ... this was rare (Charles Brown, USDA-NRCS, personal communication, 23 November 2008). According to James Smith (unpublished data, 2009. Gainesville, Fla.: University of Florida, Department of Botanical Science), ... It is not necessary to list personal communications in the References section because they are not available to the reader.
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ASABE Format for Journal Articles and Meeting and Conference Papers
Please use this guide along with the template for your publication type. Templates are available at the ASABE website. The best way to become familiar with the format and style of an ASABE publication is to review recent examples. If you have questions about style, usage, technical terms, or reference citations, please contact Glenn Laing at or 269-932-7014. Title, Authors, Affiliations, etc. Abstract Keywords Body of the Article References, Appendix, and Nomenclature
The title should briefly identify the subject and indicate the purpose of the document. A multipart article should use a main title for the series and a unique subtitle for each part, even if the combination exceeds 10 words. Capitalize the first word of the title and the first letter of each word in the title except articles, prepositions, and conjunctions (the, beyond, about, and, etc.).
Authors, Affiliations, etc.
Follow the template for your publication type. Journal articles use the authors’ initials and last names directly below the title, with the authors’ full names and affiliations (either current or at the time the work was done) in a following section called the Article Notes. Meeting and conference papers may have each author’s full name followed by their affiliation, or have the author’s full information in a footnote. Article Notes or footnotes are also used to: • Indicate if the information contained in the article was previously presented at a conference or meeting. • Indicate manuscript approval by your sponsoring organization or employer, if necessary, and list any disclaimers. • List the current contact information for the corresponding author, including the full mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address.
The abstract should provide a clear and concise (aim for