
Dialogue Essay: Bleacher In High School

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Alright class, it’s time to get on the plane to go to Colorado! Please stay together and don’t leave the buddy line!” said Ms. Beacher the teacher. Ms. Beacher the teacher was a short, plump lady with a bad spray tan from the summer. “We are going to have so much fun in Colorado!”
“This will be the death of me if we have to stay with bleacher.” said Ashley. Ashley is a short and skinny soccer player who always was ready to have a pick up game. Even in the middle of an airport. Bleacher was her nickname for Ms. Beacher because she bleached her hair over the summer too.
“Don’t say that! That’s mean! Even if her spray tan is bad!” Makayla laughed. Makayla is a small girl with big dreams. Makayla also played soccer.
“I just hope we can snag seats by each other,” Peyton chimed in. Peyton was a tall blonde hair girl who did gymnastics. She always had a good attitude.
“We’re in the front of the line of course we're going to get seats together!” Said Emma. Emma was a beautiful young girl with pale skin. Emma was one of the best soccer players in her club along side Ashley and Makayla.
“Stop talking and get on the plane!” Yelled Ms. Beacher the teacher.
*6 hours later*
The class finally landed in Colorado. When they got out of the large plane, they
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While the guards search Makayla, they will have about a 60 second window that they will have to push Robbie and the suitcase (witch was incredibly small,) and push him through the luggage part. Emma, Peyton, and Ashley will walk through without anything and grab Robbie. Then, Ashley will take him over to the loading luggage area where she will casually slip the bag into the pile. And then, it’s home sweet home for Robbie. Even though Robbie wanted to stay, the girls forced him into the bag and zipped it with 10 bags of peanuts and pretzels and 4 bottles of

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