In this study, dialogue journal was implemented to provide context for reflecting learning. Dialogue journal was designed to have students reflect upon their own works and others (Davis, 2010, p. 19). Besides, by having dialogue journal linked the reflections to every lesson could help teachers and researchers better understand the meaning-making processes and difficulties in the lesson (Sigmon, 2016, p. 61). The beliefs underlied the implementation of dialogue journal were giving students opportunities to write in non-threatening atmosphere and freely express themselves. Besides, the teacher could observe students’ writing progress and understand the students personally. Non-threatening atmosphere allowed the students to gain their …show more content…
Positive response emerged because students were comfortable enough to ask questions and make spontaneous comments regarding the lesson and topic the teacher discussed (Mikkelson, 2008, p. 25). Differ from what Rodliyah (2016, p.97) found in his study that the moment of silence happened in her study due to students’ busyness and passive attitude. In paper based dialogue journal, the moment of silence indicated that students actively wrote dialogue journal …show more content…
The result of this study suggested the similar result like what Mehdrad stated. Eventhough teacher gave a particular organization used for dialogue journal like greeting/ salutation, body, and closing, it did not contribute to the improvement of students’ writing organization. Dialogue journal writing could be viewed as a tool for reflecting the knowledge students gained through their lessons had practice and improve their reflection skills (Peyton, 2000 & Foroutan, Noordin, & Hamzah, 2013). Consequently, it enhanced their critical thinking (Mansor, Shafie, Maesin, Nayan, & Osman, 2011, p. 159) that was truly benefical to improve their skill in organizing content. Compared to other aspects of writing, vocabulary was the aspect that got greater benefits due to dialogue journal. In accordance with that statement, Sandell (2015), Alsaleem (2014), Foroutan, Noordin, & Hamzah (2013) & and Rodliyah (2016) found that dialogue journal enriched students’ vocabulary. A study by Sandell (2015) discovered that dialogue journal gave little change to students’ grammar. Yet, Foroutan, Noordin, & Hamzah (2013), Rokni & Seifi (2013) & Rodliyah (2016) stated that dialogue journal improved grammar. The result of this study said similar thing that Sandell (2015) said, students reported that they improve their grammar knowledge by looking in their notes or browsing in the internet. However, not all students got the