In the Drama, “TRIFLES” By Susan Glaspel, a wife murders her husband during a time when women had little rights. The connection between, “How Do I Live” and “Trifles” is in the mere question of the after-effects of the man’s absence. How would the wife’s life change if her husband were dead? Unlike in the song, this woman would be much happier and healthier. The quality of …show more content…
Just like in, “Trifles,” this wife, too, would have a better life in the absence of her man because the society she lived in treated woman like property. If she asked herself the question from the song, “If I had to live without you, what kind of life would that be?” She’d say just what she slowly realized in the story, "Free! Body and soul free!” Using the song lyrics to describe this, I would say his absence, “would take away everything.” It would take away everything because his authority was the only thing she could call hers. According to the story, his absence would give her a life full of years that “belong to her