Living under prison is emotional, however, how would it feel if you were living in hidden for years, constantly afraid of what is to come next, and what would occur if you were discovered by the Nazi Party. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Franks is a firsthand account of living under constant fear of being discovered and sent to prison. Anne Frank describes the conditions she and the other family were living in on a daily basis until the time where she was discovered and subsequently sent to different concentrations camps. What could have driven the German people to accept a radical ideology that resulted in people to run away and live in hiding for most of their life? In one of the …show more content…
The Stockholm syndrome is defined as, “A term to describe the positive bond kidnap victim develops towards their captor” (Namnyak, p.4). This means that the victim of a kidnapping would then at the end help and take part of the kidnappers plans because of how they had been treated and what they had been told. Take for example a victim that has been kidnapped. That kidnapped victim would then be pampered with gifts and other items for a certain period of time, while at the same the captor would try and persuade the victim into believing that what they are doing is good and that the captor has a good character. This would eventually lead to the kidnapped victim into becoming affiliated with the crimes that the captor may continue to do. However, all this was occurring under and constant fear of being placed in