Dick Spencer Case Analysis
Strengths as a Salesman Dick Spencer has had an interesting career. He began as a salesman at Tri-American Corporation and quickly worked his way up the corporate ladder to management level. He experienced many achievements and also many roadblocks during that time. This case analysis will examine some of the contributing factors to his successes and failures as well as provide recommendations on how he could have been more successful as a manager. Dick Spencer experienced great success very early in his sales career. His outgoing, likable personality could have factored into that success. High levels of openness to experience are associated with curiosity and a willingness to entertain new ideas and experiences (Barrick & Mount, 1991). Those with high levels of openness to experience and motivation will be more likely to utilize their abilities to obtain initial career success than those with low levels of motivation (Rode, Arthaud-Day, Mooney, Near, & Baldwin, 2008). These characteristics helped Dick achieve great things in the beginning of his career. Dick was a force to be reckoned with in the sales department yet his peers still regarded him as a regular guy. Highly outgoing people tend to be warm, positive, and sociable, with a high energy level and therefore tend to be comfortable interacting with others (Costa & McRae, 1992). Studies have shown that conscientiousness, openness to experience, extroversion, and emotional stability are positively associated with career success and satisfaction (Rode et al., 2008). The same can be said of characteristics necessary in a career in sales. Dick’s peers attributed his rise in sales volume to his good looks, charm, sales ability, business knowledge, and schmoozing skills on the golf course.
Fall 2012 MGT 585 Dick began his career with Tri-American Corporation at the age of twenty two, just after finishing his Master’s degree. Research has shown that salesmen
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