Believers and nonbelievers often discuss and debate about the origin of calendar and some Christians still wonder if GOD created.
Before the Mayans and the Romans, the word GOD (YHWH) was at the center of every things and thoughts.
In the first chapter of genesis and in the fifth verse; GOD describes the first day, which consist in: “one evening and one morning”.
As God creations are taking shape in verses; 8, 13, 14,19,23,31, and so are the days, months, seasons and years. Verse 14 says:” God said, let there be light in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons and for days and years”. And HE continued in verse 16: “And GOD made two great lights; …show more content…
As we can see, the Bible would be too small to hold every single thing in complete details, and not even a book with sheets the size of heaven would, that’s why God opened a relationship’s door through his son JESUS CHRIST, so we can have access to GOD’s mysteries.But we need to surrender to him first and let go of our corrupted ego and intellect, so he can reveal to us what have been hidden in plain sight.
Matthew 11:2 Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.
Te Bible, unlike other books, is the oldest accurate record of human origin and history, although some still believe that it is man-made, but its consistency and accurate prediction of things to come, clearly prove its …show more content…
Based on those verses above in the first chapter, we can conclude that GOD established a 7 days week in the first chapter, with 6 working days, and one resting day… Genesis is not the Only Book that talks about; days, months, years and seasons. All throughout the Bible; days, week, month, years and seasons are being repeated.
Leviticus 25 and Daniel 9 spoke about 70 years, Revelation talks about a thousand years; all these to show that the Bible is the pioneer of all calendars from the beginning of all things. GOD’s calendar harmonizes the moon and the sun to complete a full year, whereas the Roman calendar was set based on the earth’s revolution around the sun, but both come to the same conclusion. God is the author of all things and he doesn’t mind if we copy them. Just as in the above verses from Genesis, Psalms 104:19 says: “HE appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down. The Hebrew word for "seasons" here is moed, which means appointed time, and is frequently used throughout the Old Testament to refer to the Feast Days.
All scientists agree that the moon plays a major role in indicating the changing of the months, and the first visible crescent moon is a new