Current ratio can measure the ability of the company to paid its short-term debt with their currently resources. The rule of thumb indicated that a company should have the ratio between 1.0 and 2.0. The current ratios of Beacon Lumber during November 2009 to January 2010 are 40.06886782, 4.384552725 and 4.551608547 respectively.…
He is the son of Hera, who created him in retaliation when she found out that Zeus had created Athena without her and viciously made herself pregnant asexually.…
Polybius: Greek historian born in Arcadia c. 200 BCE. He was the son of the Calvary Commander of the Achaean League, and a close friend of commander Scipio Aemilianus. Polybius wrote The Histories- a work which describes the rise of the Republic of Rome and its eventual domination of Greece.…
b. Hyacinthus - hero of Greek myth who was a prince of Sparta noted for his unusual beauty. He attracted the love of the god Apollo and also that of the jealous West Wind, Zephyrus, who caused Hyacinthus to be accidentally killed by Apollo at a discus throwing contest. Apollo memorialized him with a hyacinth growing from the youth's blood.…
She was the daughter of Thutmose I and his Great Wife, Queen Ahmose. She had one full sibling, her sister Neferubity, who perished in infancy. One of the other women in Thutmose’s harem was Mutnofret, possibly the daughter of Ahmose I. She bore him four sons; Wadjmose, Amenose, Thutmose II, and Ramose. Thutmose I began grooming Wadjmose and Amenose for the position of pharaoh, but they both died before…
• Known as the second founder of the Persian Empire, after Cyrus. (His father - Cambyses)…
She was the third child of her parents Ptolemy XII Auletes and Cleopatra V of Egypt.…
Ahmose I, or he was called Amosis, Amenes, and aahmes and his name reflects to the lah born. The son of Pharaoh Seqenenre Tao and brother of last pharaoh in seventeenth dynasty (King Kamose). Ahmose I was a Pharaoh of ancient Egypt in the eighteenth dynasty. Also, he was one of the members of the Theban royal house. At the reign time his father or grandfather Thebes rebelled against the rulers of eygpt; Hyksos.At the age of seven, Ahmose I father was killed and at the age of ten his brother was dead for unidentified causes. The reign of his brother was only for three years, so Ahmose I took the throne when his brother died. Ahmose during the coronation was called by the name Neb-Pehty-Re (the lord of strength is Re). Ahmose I finished the success and removal of the Hyksos from the delta area.…
Polycrates ruled over the Greek island Samos, situated just off the Asian coast, from the years 538BC-522BC. He began his rise to power in 538BC when him and his 2 brothers Pantagnostus, and Syloson executed a sudden, illegal overthrow of the current ruler. Supported by citizens under Polycrates, Pantagnostus, and Syloson that could afford armour recaptured Samos from the Achaemenid empire. But Polycrates was not content with ruling with others, not even his own brothers, so during a festival celebrating the Greek goddess Hera, he had Pantagnostus executed and Syloson exiled from Samos, who then relocated to Persia. From that moment on, Polycrates was the sole tyrant of his land. Though he had eliminated his two brothers from power, he is considered a popular ruler and did not have to change Samos’ constitution to successfully rule the land. But members loyal to the old aristocracy left Samos voluntarily or were exiled after his reign began as they were unhappy with how he came to power and the way he was ruling. One of these members, Pythagoras, is a Greek philosopher famous to this day.…
(also known as Aristophanes of Byzantium, the Alexandrian scholar of the 3rd to 2nd century…
Cleopatra VII was born into a Macedonian family that had rule over Egypt. They were the descendents of Ptolemy I, a general of “Alexander the great” that became king of Egypt once Alexander's death in 323 B.C... Cleopatra was known for the love she had for her country, and how she would do whatever was necessary for the best of here country. Cleopatra VII was born in Egypt in 69 B.C… Her father was the pharaoh of Egypt, Ptolemy XII, nicknamed Auletes or "Flute-Player."…
Cleopatra VII was born in 69 BC to the Egyptian Pharaoh, Ptolemy XII. We are unsure of who her mother is but it is believed to be Cleopatra V Tryphaena. She had 3 sisters and 2 brothers. Their family wasn’t Egyptian but actually Macedonian. Infact, Cleopatra was the only Ptolemy ruler to actually speak Egyptian. Ptolemy XII was overthrown by his daughter Berenice but reclaimed it in 55 BC. When he died in 51 BC Cleopatra VII and her brother Ptolemy XIII inherited the throne.…
The Ancient Greek culture has had such an impact on the world that no matter…
Growing up there as has always been the question on what makes a good relationship. The one thing that always gets mentioned is trust. Many people have walked in and out of my life along with there has been many I have distanced myself from and some I have came to truly respect. Majority of the time I have distanced myself for the simple fact of I can’t trust them. The closet ones have been the ones to turn their back and break my trust.…
Cleopatra Vll was born in 69 BC, in Alexandria, Egypt. Despite what people say today, that she was glamorous and beautiful, she was far from it. She is shown on ancient coins with a long hooked nose and masculine features. Although she was not beautiful she was clearly a very seductive woman, and she used this to further Egypt politically. She had a beautiful musical voice. It is also said that she was highly intelligent. She spoke nine different languages, and she was the first Ptolemy pharaoh who could actually spoke Egyptian.…