The initial response from the Chinese towards western penetration was the practice of isolationism. The country resisted the West and it’s modern concepts and cut off contact with them completely. This hurt the economy nations that conducted trade with them such as Britain. After the British could no longer afford to lose revenue through the Chinese’s isolation, they snuck opium into the nation. The Chinese responded by burning it and sparked the Opium War. The defeat…
European powers, such as Britain and Russia, moved in to divide up China in 1895. These countries gained control of certain parts of China's economy. These were called spheres of influence. The U.S. feared that these European powers would divide up China so they proposed the Open Door policy. The Chinese did not like the idea of unwelcome foreigners trading freely within their country, so they started the Boxer Rebellion.…
Because of the imperialism in china the economy over there went up. China become so rich that other countries were fascinated like Russia or japan and many more. If china were to be colonized it would be simple for them to trade goods. China got so much power and money from all the goods it gave away many thing because of the imperialism. The culture of china was also affected by the imperialism because since china’s powers was spreading people from all over Europe started to move to china .Therefore its culture got mixed a bit china would have never change like this if it weren’t for imperialism…
For the first time in history china was ruled by a foreign nonnative ruler. The Mongols like in Europe impacted China greatly during their invasion, but unlike Europe in China it was more of a negative effect then positive. The Mongols changed China “huji system” which some relate it to a caste system, they also effected their standards and values. They favored the peasants, merchants and artisans because they produced the things they needed. The Mongols were nomadic, travelers and traders so they related better with the peasant class because of the similarities of their everyday life. Mongols had a bad effect on the Chinese trading, since most of the Mongols where conquers and nomads they were not good at governing and couldn’t control the trading properly which resulted in a speedy decline over time. Central Asia was also invaded during this time which marked the beginning of the Mongol conquest of the Islamic states. It broke the shahs’ army and united all the lands…
As Imperialism had become common throughout all of Asian modernization came along with it as a pair. Though as Asian as a whole there were negative affects many advancements had made up for it such as , technology advancements the establishments of…
The Opium War did affect China’s economy. From Source B, I can infer that the Opium Wars made China richer. The source mentioned that the export of tea from China increased 42,000,000kg in 1855 from only 7,500,000kg in 1843, an increase of more than 500%. This showed that the trade increased. With more trade, there would be more money which were gained from the trades. Furthermore, more trade also means more jobs for the Chinese. Therefore, the Chinese will be able to earn more money and they can afford more items to live a better life. So, the Opium wars did affect the China’s economy. From what I have learnt, the treaty which China signed from the Opium Wars forced China to open up five ports to foreign trade (canton, shanghai, Foochow, Ningpo and Amoy). With more ports opened up,…
The Boxer Rebellion went on to cause severe damage in the relationship between China and the west. Immediately after the rebellion, a lot of countries cut all of their ties with China. These countries believed that China was not to be trusted, as it was very weak and had no strict power at the time. However, some of the differences were ignored when World War II began. China was associated with the Soviet Union and fought with the Communists against…
Imperialism is when one country dominates the cultural, economic, and political life of a nation weaker than itself. In the 19th century, Europe was the nation that was dominating both China and Africa. There were quite a few similarities in the way that European imperialism was changing these nations. One important similarity was that both the nations had resisted against British imperialism at one point. However, despite the fact that both these events occurred at the same time, by the same nations, there were quite a few differences as well. One of the main differences due to the impact of Imperialism in China and Africa was that China had a revolution where as Africa did not. Another difference was that China was harder to conquer due to geography and the people who lived there.…
The first source is a political cartoon drawn by Henri Meyer in 1898. The cartoon depicts European countries fighting over trade agreements with China (represented by a pie) with a resisting China behind. China is being ignored by the Europeans. The European countries wanted to find a way to have some control within the Chinese government, so as to economically advance their governments, so they tried to establish trade within China. China, however, had no interest in anything the European countries had to offer. Britain was the one to succeed after finding that opium was of high demand within China’s borders. This image shows the negative view on imperialism from China, while also showing that the European’s paid no attention to the complaints.…
This source helps lead to the conclusion that the Chinese had a rather difficult time adapting to the challenge of the west. Spence writes about the cultural inferiority the Chinese experienced. They believed that the country was superior in every way, when in reality China was far less technologically, economically, and socially advanced compared to the west. When it came to the military China was also way behind many other countries. One of the factors contributing to their defeat in the Opium War was that they were using cannons, used for many dynasties, unlike Britain's advanced military technology. If China had a better military and were a bit more lenient on the values of Confucius, the result of the war may have been in their…
Imperialism is the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, new imperialism was spreading all over and was a progressive force for both the oppressors and the oppressed when it came to stereotypes and economic success. However, it made the oppressors spread their culture and achievements while the oppressed learned from the Europeans and were continuously put down with the whites thinking it was their job to make them civilized.…
I do not think that imperialism is beneficial to China. Firstly, Britain forced China to consent to opium, as payment for their goods because gold and silver were rare. Though, when China refused, it triggered the first Opium War. Then, when Britain conquered the war, China ended up using the opium as payment anyways. The opium eventually caused the Chinese people to become addicted, and the addiction became an epidemic. This shows that imperialism caused terrible wars, drug addictions, and even rebellion. Simply, imperialism wasn’t helpful at…
The legacy of imperial China is the time period starting at the Qin dynasty (221 BC - 207 BC) and ending at the Qing Dynasty (1644AD - 1911AD). It is the time where China changed very dramatically - in culture, religion, technology and many more. The imperial China has contributed greatly to their modern society in many ways. Some of these characteristics include a change in buildings, immigration, technology, art, relationships with other countries and language. The Great Wall of China has contributed as it has brought pride and a knew level of understanding as to what life was like for people of that era and it has enabled modern day society to learn from them. For example, controlling the immigration and emigration to and from China. Another…
From: Imperialism and World Politics, Parker T. Moore, 1926 To begin with, there are the exporters and manufacturers of certain goods used in the colonies. The makers of cotton and iron goods have been very much interested in imperialism. Their business interests demand that colonial markets should be opened and developed and that foreign competitors should be shut out. Such aims require political control and imperialism. Finally, the most powerful of all business groups are the bankers. Banks make loans to colonies and backward countries for building railways and steamship lines. They also make loans to colonial plantation owners, importers, and exporters. The imperialist business interests have powerful allies.…
The Industrial Revolution, alongside a burning sense of nationalism, shaped European society in the nineteenth century. However, imperialism—the domination by one country or people over another group of people—dramatically changed the world during the latter half of that century a considerably higher amount; though the two former prospects did add to imperialism’s reach and influence. Imperialism did not begin in the nineteenth century; in fact, it began in the sixteenth century, moving along into the early nineteenth century. This era of imperialism was specifically titled as Old Imperialism, in which European nations: sought trade routes with the Far East, explored the New World, and established settlements in North and South America as…