Every empire and civilization has advanced within in its own conceived boundaries. The Roman’s found lasting achievements and societal advancements through the sciences, engineering, architecture, and the arts. Along with the imprints they made on the earth through these works, the Romans also developed a literary tradition and legal system that many still use today, giving Rome more credit to the longest lasting influence on the common world. Unlike some empires and civilizations, the Romans took a practical approach to the studying of science and engineering in search of societally beneficial results. Practiced studies of the Romans consisted of many from numerous other cultures. Like the Egyptians, the Romans studied the movement and …show more content…
To obtain water from the mountains and direct it to the cities, designers used aqueducts, or raised channels that bring water from the land to the city. Yet another idea of the Greeks. Another aspect stolen by the Romans was the use of columns. Often used in public buildings to make them look impressive and imposing, the Romans, like the Greeks, covered their buildings in marble. This gave a grand appearance to the public and taste of architecture to the rest of the world. In the works of the arts, Rome had much to contribute. Pieces of artwork often created consisted of beautiful mosaics, paintings, and statues. Common paintings seen in many places were the fresco style of painting. The style in which the artist would paint directly onto wet plaster making the painting become part of the wall, ceiling, or floor. Along with artwork, Rome had many great authors. A few of which were Virgil, the great author of the fascinating Aeneid about the founding of Rome, or Ovid, another grand author who wrote epics of Roman mythology. Through all forms of the arts Rome would