What are the health factors of drinking diet soda? Due to its acidity, diet soda can rot, discolor, and damage your teeth. It wears down the teeth’s enamel which allows for bacteria to thrive in those areas, and can even cause cavities and erosion, thanks to all that citric acid. Diet sodas also increases the likelihood of a person overeating and gaining weight and even increasing the risk of kidney problems. Diet sodas are also a way to trick the body into thinking that we are consuming sugar when we really are not. When we eat something with sugar, our bodies react to anticipate the arrival of much needed energy and try to capture that, but when we continuously fool our body with food that tastes sweet but doesn’t bring nutrients or energy, our bodies will stop responding to sugary tastes completely and then fails to process it properly. Artificial sweeteners are also linked with the increase of Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome, a precursor to cardiovascular disease. Artificial sweeteners are even linked to headaches, depression, and even bone problems, mainly osteoporosis in women and both regular and diet soda can cause low bone-mineral density.
Where are you able to find diet sodas and their ingredients? Diet sodas can be found almost