● Correct name of career: Dietitians and Nutritionists ● Education and or training required:
○ bachelor’s degree in dietetics, foods and nutrition, food service systems management, clinical nutrition, or a related area. ○ Many dietitians and nutritionists also have advanced degrees.
○ typically receive several hundred hours of supervised training, usually in the form of an internship following graduation from college. ○ Programs in Dietetics that allow students to complete supervised training as part of their undergraduate or graduatelevel coursework.
● Responsibilities and duties:
○ Counsel patients on nutrition issues and healthy eating habits
○ Promote better nutrition by speaking to groups about diet, nutrition, and the relationship between good eating habits and preventing or managing specific diseases
○ Keep up with the latest nutritional science research and Write reports to document patient progress
○ Evaluate the effects of meal plans and change the plans as needed ● Documentation of sources:
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 201415 Edition,
Dietitians and Nutritionists, on the Internet at http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/dietitiansandnutritionists.htm (visited December 03, 2014).
● Self reflection:
○ overall becoming a Dietitians and Nutritionists takes a lot of training and education before starting to work.i also found out that most of the dietitians work at hospitals, nursing homes, cafeterias, and clinics but some are self employed. dietitians and nutritionists earn around $26.56 per hour. ”would you like to pursue this career,” well i couldn't see myself pursuing this career because the payment is alright and it is not that interesting to do. overall being a nutritions and dietitians is not for me.