B: To begin with, let’s talk about history. In the past, the religions of the British & American were different. Christians(that is the Puritans) were persecuted by the other people. So some of them grouped together & went to America because they wanted to leave England.
C: They started to live there and change their languages and traditions a bit. In languages, they changed their spellings, pronunciations and even the words in order to make themselves different from the British. This is just like the time when teenagers are getting older, they rebel against their parents in order to find their own identity.
A: There are mainly five differences between American and British English:
D: First is the change of spelling of words with same pronunciation: such as the word “Centre” , it is spelt “C-E-N-T-R-E” in British English, and spelt “C-E-N-T-E-R” in American English. Also, for the word Metre it is spelt “M-E-T-R-E” in British English, and spelt “M-E-T-E-R” in American English.
E: Second, it is to shorten the spelling of the word: just like Colour spelt “C-O-L-O-U-R” in British English, and “C-O-L-O-R” in American English; “programme” spelt “P-R-O-G-R-A-M-M-E” in British English and “P-R-O-G-R-A-M” in American English.
B: Third, it is different words with same pronunciation: such as grey spelt “G-R-E-Y” in British English, and “G-R-A-Y” in American English
C: Fourthly, it is different words with same meanings: for example, “TOILET” in British English is the same as “BATHROOM” in American English; “POLICEMAN” in British English is the same as “COP” in American English; “PAVEMENT” in British English is the same as “SIDEWALK” in American English ; “LIFT” in British English is the same as “ELEVATOR” in American