When it comes to the bonobo’s diet, they do not eat meat. Chimpanzees, however, do. The two monkey’s diets are relatively close, but there are significant differences. The bonobo’s diet consists of bugs, bark, flowers, and fruit. Similarly, chimpanzees eat bugs, bark, and flowers, but they also have a taste for meat such as squirrels and other small mammals. They both also love honey, and their
home provides it for them.
While Chimpanzees live around or in South Africa, Bonobos have more of a specific place to call home. Bonobos are found mainly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Being in a group of 50 to 100, it is normal for the females to hold strong bonds with other bonobos. On the other hand, chimpanzees live in a group of 15 to 120, which can cause other chimps to branch off of the group and join other groups. This explains why there are not as strong of bonds in chimpanzees as there are in bonobos.
Being endangered does not mean that everyone will stop hunting you, and the numbers of bonobos are dwindling due to the fact of their hides and meat being sold. The population out of captivity is just about 40,000. The population of chimpanzees are endangered too, reaching up to 170,000. Both of the breeds are captured, but the chimpanzee is mainly captured for entertainment. Sure it is fun to watch, but it would upset many to know where the chimpanzee they are watching in the circus came from.
It is clear that these two species do not have all that much in common. As similar as they are, their two diets are not the same. This applies with their socialization within the group as does their population. With these reasons, it would be reasonable to conclude that theses two species are alike in some ways, but also contrast from each other as well.