Although, Maya Angelou and Langston Hughes have unique writing styles they still
Although, Maya Angelou and Langston Hughes have unique writing styles they still
Walt whitman, Angela De Hoyas, Langston Hughes. All great authors of many great poems. Wonder how they stack up against each other? Well that’s what’s going to happen. How do all three of these poets are different an alike. Three people, three different types of pens. Three different types of handwriting.…
Both Sojourner Truth and Maya Angelou lived in different time periods, but they both were conveying the same message: civil rights. They were both African American women who believed that blacks and women were treated poorly and should be treated better. They also conveyed their points with different styles of delivery. One of these styles is better than the other.…
Maya Angelou’s life was a roller coaster. Through her upside down loops and her cork screws, she made a high living for herself. She achieved awarding accomplishments. Maya is not only one of the most famous poets in the world but, she was also a literature writer, a dancer, actress and a singer. She wrote children books and she was also one of the first African American women to have an original screenplay produced called Georgia. She won the National Book Award, A Pulitzer Prize and is listed as one of the one hundred most influential women in the world. She was also the first African American to have a nonfiction book on the best sellers list Maya was big into the civil rights movement. Maya got involved with helping Malcom X with his…
She wrote “still I rise” to prove to people that no matter what they won't bring her down. No matter how hard people lie and how her sassiness might upset a lot of people. The poem “The Lesson” was one of many people's favorites it explains on how dying inside from getting raped or going through family problems. Cold hearted people are always the leaders because Maya Angelou was very cold hearted and didn't want to see people go through what she went through. Maya Angelou was a Phenomenal woman, she really didn't know her life after all that she has been through. She had to realize that she can help other young woman become phenomenal woman to. Her mother was barely at home due to her getting raped her mother never left the house unless someone was there to watch them. Maya Angelou always lead her siblings to do good…
Being able to accept flexible views of text means to be able to understand that text can take on multiple meanings and that there is not a singular way to analyze the text. A mechanistic view of text would be to analyze every text or passage you come across in generally the same way, without thinking outside of the box. A person could analyze a research paper about quantum mechanics the same way they would analyze a Dr. Seuss book. A reader must develop a flexible view on text in order to fully comprehend what the text might be saying or at least to be able to acknowledge that there is more than on interpretation. To accept a flexible view of text, one must be able to see the differences and similarities between separate texts.…
In conclusion, both poems draw attention to the difficulty of the African-American people although in different manners. They both cry out for civil rights and equality in a time where African-Americans were treated neither civilly nor equally. It may have been much tougher in past days to see change happen because the injustices were ignored, but Hughes words on inequality, social injustice, and white privilege still ring true today. We are still having the same problems seen through the police brutality and violence in Tupacs song. Which needed to be changed many years ago.…
cruel it can be. In the book Night by Elie Wiesel there are a number of examples of loss of…
The writing styles of Maya Angelou and Langston Hughes are very similar, evident in Angelou’s poem, “Africa” and Hughes’s poem, “Negro”. Even from the titles, you can see that these poems will be about African Americans, unsurprising considering the authors. Both are activists of letting the world know of the abuse that African Americans have suffered. Many aspects of their works are very similar, including the repetitional usage of words, stanzas, or phrases. They both speak out about slavery, they both use a broadened form of their topics and they both have interesting uses of the past and present tenses, making you relate to the poem on a very personal level, while at the same time, forcing you to see that there is a much greater thing happening right before your eyes. While containing less differences than similarities, it is very fun to notice that while Langston’s poem is very self reflective and personal, Angelou’s is grand; speaking outright of an entire continent instead of one person. The difference then, turns out not to be a difference at all, just another similarity in disguise. Both authors are heading in the same direction, for the same conclusion, yet in different ways.…
They give us an example of modern-day and olden-day heroes that are very influential. Angelou is the real hero. She is a women which means she had to bring more to the table than a man. She did it effectively and efficiently. She executed her heroic characteristics and mixed it with her humility and gave us memories and accomplishes that no other can do. Beowulf gave nothing. He only gave memories of himself boasting about his strengths and the weight his name held. Maya Angelou engraved her heroism inside millions of people who are changing the word ‘hero’ to a name everyone can title him/herself. Whether an individual has the ability to fly or they are in a wheelchair, they can be an Angelou. Whether they have the strength to pick up a 2 ton truck or lack the strength to lift a leaf, they can be an Angelou. Once people possess the trait of humility they can be a hero. They all have the chance to be like Maya Angelou-- The real…
Langston Hughes is one of those incredible people. The way his poems bring a sensation to them that some other poets can’t even process. “Hughes was a very complex person, split between a sophisticated consciousness and a fierce determination to create a popular and simplified poetic art” (Bloom 10). Langston Hughes had a way of reaching his people by speaking to the black people and putting down everyday life for them. He helped form a new kind of poetry with more rhythm style. “Hughes was an established figure in the Harlem Renaissance, a cultural movement characterized by an explosion of black literature, theater, music, painting, and political and racial consciousness”(Meyers 908). Jazz was growing during the Harlem Renaissance and Langston captured that in jazz poetry. “Jazz poetry is a literary genre defined as poetry necessarily informed by jazz music… Jazz poetry, like the music itself, encompasses a variety of forms, rhythms, and sounds.” (A Brief Guide to Jazz Poetry). Jazz poetry can be seen as a thread that runs through the Harlem Renaissance, the Beat movement, and the Black Arts Movement. Jazz poems are supposed to bring a vivid imagery in your head. To which Langston could write poems that could almost make you feel…
Frankenstein’s monster demands that Frankenstein creates him a female companion. Frankenstein agrees to this in the hopes that he will be left in peace. However during creation of the female, and the monster watching him work, it dawns on him the reality of the hideous act he is embarking upon. Overcome by the image of the monster and the idea of creating another like him, Frankenstein destroys his work. The monster is distraught over Frankenstein’s actions and explains the misery he has been through whilst perusing him - he explains that he will make Victor pay if he refuses to create him his female mate.…
The language a poem is written in is referred to as diction. Every poem or writing has a certain style. That style in some instances can be complex or…
The land of the free and the home of the brave is a simple yet powerful motto that supposedly describes the inherent rights allotted to each American. Yet, the truly brave are often the ones who have the least amount of freedom. America is a young nation with a past full of prejudice, but more importantly a past full of bravery and triumph. Americans like Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and Malcolm X, all fought for equality. These great Americans rose to the occasion and succeeded in their fight for freedom by displaying the bravery echoed in our national anthem. Each of these people experienced great adversity, but adversity is not what defined their greatness. These courageous Americans stood up for basic freedom and equality, but they were not the first. These people are the grand-children of a movement that changed America forever, the snow…
In both “Dream Variations” by Langston Hughes and “The Tropics in New York” by Claude McKay there is an eager tone. They both are eager or long to be in another place. In "Dream Variations" the speaker longs to be "In some place of the sun, To whirl and to dance...Then rest at cool evening Beneath a tall tree While night comes on gently". In "The Tropics in New York” the speaker longs to be back in his home country where the "Bananas [are] ripe and green, and ginger-root, Cocoa in pods and alligator pears, And tangerines and mangoes and grapefruit, Fit for the highest prize at parish fairs".…
Poetry is considered to be a representational text in which one explores ideas by using symbols. Poetry can be interpreted many different ways and is even harder to interpret when the original author has come and gone. Poetry is an incredible form of literature because the way it has the ability to use the reader as part of its own power. In other words, poetry uses the feelings and past experiences of the reader to interpret things differently from one to another, sometimes not even by choice of the author. Two famous poets come to mind to anybody who has ever been in an English class, Robert Frost and E.E. Cummings. Both of these poets have had numerous famous pieces due to the fact that they both captivate the readers attention and can even keep them intrigued in a piece long after their first time reading it. A line such as one of the most memorable lines from Robert Frost, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood” (1). Many recognize this line and many may have their own opinions on how to look at his poem ‘The Road Not Taken’. Another poem with a shared theme is E.E. Cummings poem “Anyone lived in a pretty how town” these two poems are very different in delivery and literary devises, but both have a common theme, a theme of how time goes on and the choices one makes, shapes who they become. This reoccurring theme is important because live doesn’t stop going it is a clock that will never stop ticking and every time the clock ticks we make a choice that shapes who we are and who we will be in the future.…