According to the census done in 2010 by the United States Census Bureau, the population of Lampasas, TX was 84.7% white alone while the population of New York City was recorded to be only 44% white
Hart 2 alone (“Quickfacts). Also, the number of black or African Americans in the cities vary as well. In the same census, the number was recorded to be 1.5% of the population in Lampasas, which is low compared to the 25.5% that is in New York City (“Quickfacts). There are also significant differences between the numbers of different races and nationalities as well in the cities as well, including Asian. Furthermore, the median amount of money earned and spent in the two cities differs as well. Workers in New York on average make more than those in Lampasas. The median household income in Lampasas was recorded to be $33,980 while the median household income in New York City was $52,737 (“Quick Facts). While that is a significant gap, the expenditures of those who live in New York City are higher as well. For example, the median gross rent in New York City is recorded to be over $1200. In Lampasas, it is