According to Escobar (2000), Post-development criticizes not only modernism development paradigm but also it rejects the conceptualizations of basic notions like ‘least developed’, ‘backward’, ‘traditional’, ‘third world’, ‘uncivilized’, ‘southerner’ etc. for the developing countries; and ‘developed’, ‘modern’, ‘industrial’, ‘first world’, ‘civilized’, northerner, etc. for the developed countries. Because they argue that the connotation of these concepts is even doubtful since they have been vaguely used in the academic studies. For example, we call African countries as ‘undeveloped’ or ‘underdeveloped’ but the Europeans as ‘developed’. However, ‘undeveloped’/’underdeveloped’ refers to lack of progress or to living below the level of development phenomena while ‘developed’ explains us the case of completed advancement or the saturation stage. This implies that African countries couldn’t develop but Europeans could finish their development. In reality, however, there are African countries which have been making progress more than stagnant level while European nations have also been moving to attain better development position yet. Thus the terms are primarily vaguely applied to the concepts of development argument to undermine psychologically other countries for
According to Escobar (2000), Post-development criticizes not only modernism development paradigm but also it rejects the conceptualizations of basic notions like ‘least developed’, ‘backward’, ‘traditional’, ‘third world’, ‘uncivilized’, ‘southerner’ etc. for the developing countries; and ‘developed’, ‘modern’, ‘industrial’, ‘first world’, ‘civilized’, northerner, etc. for the developed countries. Because they argue that the connotation of these concepts is even doubtful since they have been vaguely used in the academic studies. For example, we call African countries as ‘undeveloped’ or ‘underdeveloped’ but the Europeans as ‘developed’. However, ‘undeveloped’/’underdeveloped’ refers to lack of progress or to living below the level of development phenomena while ‘developed’ explains us the case of completed advancement or the saturation stage. This implies that African countries couldn’t develop but Europeans could finish their development. In reality, however, there are African countries which have been making progress more than stagnant level while European nations have also been moving to attain better development position yet. Thus the terms are primarily vaguely applied to the concepts of development argument to undermine psychologically other countries for