To continue, my ethnicity/race is Cuban. When I was younger my mother raised me in to this race/ethnicity because she was born in Cuba and moved to the United States when she was young, thus bringing her ethnicity/race upbringing with her and raising …show more content…
I went through pre-k, elementary, even high school, meeting people who are very prejudice towards latin americans/latin’s. Prejudice people have caused some social activities I have been to end up making me feel as if I'm not wanted there or needed because of my race/ethnicity. My race/ethnicity tends to cause the community I live in to look at me differently the reason for this is because where I live, the people tend to stick to their own skin color, you may see some people who generally speak to all people but most minorities stick together keeping their distance from whites unless they are needed or around for small reasons. How does this tie in to me feeling left out and such, well when you are raised as a hispanic, black, asian you are raised to try and be better than the whites but also being close to the whites as you do so. As I tried to grow and become better than the whites, power and popularity wise I noticed that I wasn't fighting to get better or be placed above them on a scale, I would never win that fight, I was fighting to become them because of the jealousy I felt towards them. My community has caused me to not want to identify with my culture nor with my race/ethnicity, it has made me want to be a white women rather than a latin american women because of the power they hold against us even if we may not admit