Singsong girls were forced to sign a contract that condemned them to a short, miserable life. This contract gave all ownership of a girl’s body to her madam. Suddenly a singsong girl has no control over anything in her life, except how much she is fed or beaten. This solely depends on the amount of customers she draws in. Singsong girls were slaves. Their owners owned them and their bodies. They had no control of their lives, and no way to out of it, with the exception of death.
Chinese girls were taken across the Atlantic to California to be sold to the highest bidder, about $400 each. Although it was illegal, officials looked the other way due to the inferiority of the girls and blackmail, usually by madams. To keep business somewhat legal, girls were forced to sign contracts. These contracts entailed that each girl needs to serve two years, but there was a catch. For every day missed to due to sickness or menstruation, two …show more content…
If a quota was not met, punishments were instigated, usually a beating. At about 20 years of age, girls were considered too old or too “ugly” to be desired by customers. Girls were locked in a room with narcotics and forced to either kill themselves with drugs or starve to death. If still alive by the time the owners of the brothel opened the room, she was murdered. There was no way out. Luckily there were people like Tao who helped to combat this practice and save the lives of