Religion and spirituality are two very different things that people often mistakenly categorize as the same, but to learn to understand the two you first must know the meaning behind them both.
What is Religion? It is not just one belief, but beliefs that diverse throughout the world depending on areas or cultures, and many of them vary greatly. To say they’re one thing would be incorrect. Some are small while others are largely known, for example, Christianity and Islam, two of the most common religions and although they have some similarities they are very different.
What is spirituality? There are many ways to describe it, and it is almost the complete opposite of religion, …show more content…
contradicting a lot of people’s beliefs because of the differences. Multiple religions focus on a set of rules that you must follow and not stray from, as there’s only one path you may follow and you must not take any others.
Spirituality on the other hand you don’t have a set of ruler or necessarily a book you follow. You go on a journey of your own in a chance to discover who you are, what you are, and about the world around you, the ground that you walk on and the air that you breathe. The past does not hold you back and the future does not scare you, but instead you live in the moment, day by day, that being one of the major differences between religion and spirituality. Another difference would be that religion tends to follow a path, a god, while spirituality consists of creating your own path and believing in yourself. In religion people quite often look at each other as humans and nothing more. All the while when you’re a spiritual person you see others as souls and something so much more than just another human, You start to see yourself in everything around you whether it’s just a sun flower you saw in a garden or the winter blue sky. You learn to be at one with the body, mind, and …show more content…
Although both of them are Extordinarily different in numerous ways, they do face similar problems.
Degradation and generalization, or, stereotyping. Stereotypes are a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. One of religions stereotypes includes things such as, “Religious people are just rich white folks who go to church every Sunday.” Not only is this incredibly inaccurate but also offensive as well. Religion is not something that is limited to one race or class, but instead is incredibly diverse and varys from location and culture. Everyone is incredibly different. Then you have the stereotype people often have when it comes to spiritual peoples that is also false. “They’re just hippies who do drugs and think they’re living the life when they’re usually
Throughout life people are constantly criticized, judged, and misunderstood with constant accusations and insults. Almost like, someone reading a paper about a subject they know nothing about and then giving it a bad review simply because they has not been educate, rather than trying to understand and learn about the subject. We’ve created a society in which we are quick to judge. Often jumping to conclusions and take one person’s actions or self, afterwards using them to describes an entire group of people when we could easily be saying, “I may not share your beliefs or agree with your choices or lifestyle, but, I still respect you and the fact that you have a different lifestyle than mine. Despite our major differences we face, we should learn more about each other and grow together learning to co-exist.