Unit 2 Assignment
1. Explain the difference between the hybrid medical record and the EHR. hybrid record A record in which both electronic and paper media are used. electronic health record (EHR) A secure real-time, point-of-care, patient centric information resource for clinicians allowing access to patient information when and where needed and incorporating evidence-based decision support. (Davis 67-68)
2. List the features of an EHR. Explain how these features are advantageous for health care.
An EHR results from computer-based data collection. Physicians and other clinicians capture data at the point of care, with the ability to retrieve the data later for reporting and use in research or administrative decision making. Health care workers document via various input ports on the various clinical units, using laptops, handheld computers, and bedside terminals, into templates. Very few, if any, paper reports are generated. The EHR allows all departments (e.g., nursing) to document care electronically using these templates. The electronic record should provide a CPOE. E-prescribing, which allows the electronic transmission of prescription information from physician's office to the pharmacy—shown in Figure 3-2—is a pronounced feature in EHRs. Other important features included in the EHRs are to send reminders to patients for patient preference or preventive follow-up care, to print out the diagnosis summary and current medication list, to provide patients with timely electronic access to their health information, and to apply evidence-based medicine. (Davis 71)
3. Identify government sector intervention designed to hasten the implementation of the widespread use of EHR technology.
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) within the DHHS. In addition, it directed the ONC to produce a report on the development and implementation of a strategic plan to guide the nationwide implementation of an interoperable