There is no real contact of Purusa and Prakriti, as they are two different opposite and independent entities. It is only the proximity of Purusa, only the fact that Purusa is near to Prakriti (sannidhimatra), which is sufficient to disturb the equilibrium of gunas and lead to evolution. The second explanation for disturbance of equilibrium is, there is semblence of contact between Purusa and Prakriti (samyogabhasa). Purusa is reflected in Prakrti and wrongly identifies itself with its own reflection. Nature of buddhi is sattva-dominated and illumination is quality of sattva. Therefore, Purusa can see its own reflection. This …show more content…
Purusa in its pristine nature is pure, is gunatita and free from duhkha traya – the three-fold miseries. Because of evolution, it gets entrapped or embodied in Prakriti (the body-mind-intellect-ego complex). Man is basically a composite being made up of Purusa and Prakriti. The Purusa in man is his consciousness and the Prakriti in man is his body-mind-intellect-ego complex. Out of these two parts of man, the Reality of man cannot be Prakrti because that which is changing, impermanent and mutable cannot be the Reality. The body-mind-intellect-ego complex is continuously changing. The Real nature of man , his essence, is Purusa, the consciousness. Due to ignorance or avidya man identifies himself with his Prkritic aspect and appropriates all that happens with this Prakritic complex as happening to himself. Due to identification with the body, when the body grows old, falls sick, decays and dies, he considers himself growing old, falling sick, decaying and dying. The same thing happens in connection with the mind (manas, buddhi and ahamkar). When the mind is sad, unhappy or happy, he says I am sad, unhappy or happy. All the miseries arising from the three sources are due to this false identification happening out of ignorance. If the ignorance is eliminated by discriminative knowledge (viveka khyati), there is realization of his true Self (Self-realization) and an ultimate end to all pain / sufferings of human life. This viveka khyati leads the Purusa to its original pristine nature i.e. pure consciousness / awareness