Buddhism was started in northern India by Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Buddha. The Enlightenment included a sacred text known as the Four Noble Truths. Buddhist believes that people’s desire comes from anger, greed, and ignorance that they called the origin of suffering (Grigg). Based on the sacred text, Buddha symbolized that greed is not just the cause of suffering, but also how it evolves the world as it is. Human only can reach enlightenment if they are a Buddhist. Buddhist …show more content…
The difference between Buddhism and Christianity is God, prayer-meditation, personal effort, reincarnation, salvation, and liberation. Buddhist sin is replaced by the Law of Karma and their goal is to achieve an unconscious nirvana. Christian sin is rebellion against God and their goal is to live forever with Christ in Heaven. Christian knows that there is an answer to our sin because God sent Jesus to the cross to die for the people. Christianity nation of origin started in the Middle East and Buddhism started in India.
Buddhist treated Buddha as a human being than a god. Buddha showed that identity was created in the mind when five factors came together that makes us who we are. Buddhism wanted humans to understand that “through the Buddhist practice of mindfulness you realize that clinging to your sense of identity creates a separate self, which the Buddha said is the source of all suffering” (Moffitt). Buddhism is a human-centered religion. Buddhist believe that humans and non-human have equal religious dignity.
Buddhism compare and contrast of Identity (What does it mean to be human? Are humans more important than other living