Christianity and Judaism have many similarities. Many of the writings used in Judaism were passed down and are now used in Christianity. The Old Testament is used in both religions, Judaism and Christianity. Though the religions use different names when referring to the Old Testament, the principals are still the same. Judaism calls the Old Testament the Torah. Though unlike Christianity, Judaism does not believe in the New Testament. Part of Christianity’s and Judaism’s religions are the use of the Ten Commandments. With slight difference between them, Christianity and Judaism follow holy books. Judaism calls …show more content…
Christianity and Judaism share the holy city of Jerusalem. This is to be expected because Christianity originates from Judaism. This origin explains the wide variety of similarities between the two religions. For instance Christianity and Judaism are both monotheistic, this means they only believe in one deity. Though Christianity derives from Judaism, both religions have evolved, resulting in a few differences. Christianity and Judaism both have founders, though they are different. Christianity’s founder is Jesus and Judaism’s founder is Abraham. Though both religions originate in their holy city of Jerusalem, a large portion of people who believe in Christianity or Judaism, live in the United States of