Driving in the winter is way more stressful than driving in the summer for many reasons.they both have there ups and down but you gotta prepare more and be more cautions in the winter as to driving in the summer.…
Driving in the winter is more difficult than the summer time. The winter roads are icy. Make driving dangerous. You can slip off the road. Plus, you can hit someone else cause of the icy roads. You have to drive slower when on the icy roads. If you have a small car, you can get stuck in the snow. You have to have good snow tires. & it’s cold.…
It is warmer in the summer than in the winter in Ohio. When it is summer in Ohio the sun is at its furthest north point and when the sun is at its most southern point it is winter in Ohio. In summer the Earth is inclined toward the sun and sunlight shines almost straight down. The noon summer sun is higher in the sky and the winter sun is lower as it casts longer winter shadows. The summer sun rises in the northwest and sets in the same direction. Thus, the sun spends more than 12 hours in the sky during the summer which is why it is warmer in the summer in Ohio. The sun is almost completely direct on the northern latitudes during the summer in Ohio causing warmer temperatures. Many people believe that the temperature changes between summer…
Driving in the winter is much harder than driving in the summer. In the winter the roads are much slicker and can cause the car to spin out of control. Driving in the winter can also decrease visibility. There is also a chance of getting stuck and stranded in a snow storm.…
New drivers may believe that driving an automobile is similar in every season, but experienced motorists are likely to know that winter and summer offer different pleasures and challenges. The most obvious distinctions between the seasons are the temperature, precipitation and amount of daylight. Each of these variables can change driving conditions dramatically. Indeed, some drivers even refrain from driving in certain weather. Fortunately, both seasons do have advantages so drivers can enjoy the road if they respect the effects of different seasons.…
Over the brief time I’ve been driving, I found there to be a drastic difference in driving in the winter and driving in the summer. The winter weather brings many dangerous conditions to contend with on the road that the summer does not. Cold, wet, freezing winters are much harder to drive in than the dryer summer months.…
Although living in Florida all my life and never witnessing snow before, I traveled to many other states and countries, experiencing their environment and cultures. Yet, I traveled to all those places during the summer, which limited me to only understanding temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.…
At both times they require using the signal lights properly. It may be a rainy or hot day but that doesn’t give anyone the option to not use their signal lights the right way. Also, during both seasons drives must give the same attention as usual on the road. During winter and summer both require following the speed limits as a state law, following speed limits has nothing to do whether it’s boiling outside or snowy. So as overall, driving during the summer and winter do share some similar points together although they have many differences put…
They both can cause for you to have to detour. These seasons can also cause for the streets to be ruined. These seasons can also cause for some great times because in the summer time you can get out and enjoy the sun on your skin, and your feet in the sand. So you would have to deal with traffic jams. The winter time you can also be able to enjoy it sometimes if it snows and it’s enough you can go out and build yourself a snowman, or inside watching movies and enjoying some hot cocoa. So the winter and summer can be good are…
There are many Porsche owners who do not drive their cars during winter because of snow, sand, salt, and other drivers etc. Porsche drivers were reluctant to drive their high priced sports car in the winter (Mark, 2011). There is a…
The different approaches to convey a similar theme in the drama b “The Day Mrs.Parks was Arrested” and ‘All Summer in a Day”. The theme between “The Day Mrs.Parks was Arrested” and “All Summer in a Day”is alway stand up for what you believe in because Mrs.Parks was fed up with blacks being mistreated by white. She worked all and was tired the bus driver asked her to get off the bus so white people can sit there but she refused to so was arrested and that day changed for the fao the blacks. In All Summer in a Day a girl named Margot was mistreated because she was from a different planet but she didn’t care what they said she stand for…
Be extra alert when driving in bad weather. Slow down sooner and increase your following distance. Be aware of the driver who is driving too fast for the weather conditions or the driver who continues to weave…
It is very cold during winter, and there is a lot of snow and ice. Blizzards and ice on the roads makes driving very scary and dangerous. I do not like driving in the winter because you do not usually have full control of your car. There are people that like the snow though because they can snowboard, ski, and ice skate. My favorite season is not winter because I like having warmer temperatures. However, I do enjoy having hot chocolate and being wrapped in blankets. My family and I will watches movies with the fire crackling in the background. Also, people enjoy winter because of the Christmas season. I enjoy Christmas and spending time with my family. Overall, I do not like having really cold, snowy…
Driving safely is important because when you get behind the wheel of a vehicle you step into a potential weapon that you are able to control. If you do not or refuse to drive safely you are at risk of either injuring or killing people that are walking on the side of the road or other drivers. Driving safely is one of the biggest responsibilities of drivers because when you drive safely you are able to better prepare for unexpected events that may and will happen while you are driving on the road, possible events that can happen range from children running out into the street, pets such as dogs and cats running into the street, cars or motorcycles just throwing themselves into traffic to other vehicles acting dangerously or not driving safely such as crossing or invading your lane if you are driving on a highway or interstate. several ways of driving safely include not using your cell phone including texting, keep both hands on the wheel as that allows for faster and more stable control of the car or motorcycle, obeying the posted speed limit signs by either going the speed marked or going the allotted five over, do not look away from the road while in motion, keep talking to a minimum while your are driving as talking to your passengers can distract your mind and in doing so slows your reaction time to any possible sudden changes to the vehicle in front of you, if you have to make a phone call use either a blue tooth or you can plug your phone into the aux port on your car radio enabling it to be heard through the speakers. When driving you must always be aware of where you are in relation to other motorist that are on the road with you check all of your mirrors before you make a lane change if you do not you run the risk of having an accident because you can hit a car or motorcycle during your lane change. You must also remember to where your seatbelt while driving it is in place to prevent you from flying out of the car in the event of an auto accident if…
Winter is the coldest and summer is the hottest everywhere. The seasons bring about changes in nature. Trees and plants begin to sprout and blossom in spring. Autumn is the season of harvesting. There are seasonal fruits and vegetables. Animals and birds have the practice of hibernation or migration in order to escape the severe winter. Long and frozen winters are responsible for seasonal affective disorders in some people. This is peculiar in Scandinavian countries.…