Similar Beliefs
They believe there is no god but God, Muslim’s know Him by the name “Allah”, the root of this name is found throughout the Torah. It was Allah, the all merciful, who created and sustains the universe. In Judaism and Islam Adam was the first prophet and he followed a religion Muslims called Islam and that Jews call the Sheva Mitzvot Bnei Noach. Up until Moses this was the religion all of the prophets were obligated to keep. In the Quran and the Torah the Jewish people are described as being chosen by Allah. In the Quran and the Torah the land of Israel was given to the Jewish people. Both people descend from Abraham, the Jews from his son Isaac and …show more content…
In Islam and Judaism charity should be given ungrudgingly.There is a special obligation to give charity to the orphan, the widow and the poor. Men and women are obligated to dress modestly. An unmarried man and woman should not be secluded alone. Unmarried men and women should not touch each other. One should avoid excessive socialising with the opposite gender. A sawm / tzom (Arabic / Hebrew) is a period of time when one is not allowed to eat or drink. Fasting can atone for personal faults and misdeeds. Mondays and Thursdays are considered auspicious days to fast voluntarily. Muslims and Jews purify themselves by washing right hand from wrist to finger-tips three times, then repeat with left hand. In some instances the feet are also washed and they recite appropriate blessing with proper intent before worship, on awakening and after relieving oneself. Water that is considered purified to both religions are rain water, well and spring water, sea or river water, water of melting snow or hail, and from a pond. During death and burial the body is washed and wrapped in a shroud and cremation is strictly forbidden. Both teach of the immortality of …show more content…
When Muslims face Mecca to pray prayers are said in Arabic. Three times a year Jews are commanded to make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem and Muslims go on haj to the Ka’ba in Mecca. A Jew is commanded to give between 10% and 20% of their income to charity while a Muslim is commanded to give 2.5% of their wealth to charity. Jewish married women are commanded to cover their hair and all Muslim women are commanded to cover their hair married or not. When it comes to fasting in Judaism there are 2 fixed 25 hour fasts and 5 daylight fasts every year and Muslims fast during daylight for the entire month of Ramadan. When giving birth to a child the Torah commands that a Jewish baby boy should be circumcised eight days after he is born and boys are traditionally named at their circumcision on the eighth day, girls are named when the father next reads from the Torah in synagogue. In the Muslim culture baby boys are ideally circumcised when they’re seven days old, although any time before puberty is permitted and the tradition for the child is to be named on the seventh day.During death and burial the Jews bury as soon as possible, ideally the next day while Muslims practice burying the body as soon as possible, ideally the same day.
Based on the books, “Muhammed” and “The Dignity of Difference” there is so much hostility, violence and continued war between the Arab