St. Ambrose believed that the appropriate response to rape was for the virgin to commit suicide to save her Chasity. Even in his passage, “On Virgins,” it states that the Holy Mary needs to either sacrifice herself or be sentenced to a brothel. St.Augustine first states that it was unfair for Lucretia to have been a victim of adultery and suffered death. He believed that the criminal should have been put to death, however, if she were so pure and chaste then why did she kill herself? He supports this by saying that it was essential unjust for Lucretia to have killed herself …show more content…
Paul claims that sex is not the sole reason for marriage, but it is the most important part of marriage. He also says that man does not own his own body, but his wife does and the wife no longer owns her body, but the husband now does. Sex is allowed within marriage because you are practicing self-control. If one is not having sex within marriage then you may be tempted by Satan. In the chapter on sex and marriage, Karras states that sex within marriage is restricted on Sundays, Wednesdays and many holidays because these were days of worship or for the lord. Also couples were not to have sex when a woman is on her period because she is thought to be more insatiable and susceptible to temptation and for women to lust more than men is a …show more content…
This spry tolerated extramarital sex because her husband locked her in tower and treated her as property so God sent her a “noble lover.” This story seems to only tolerate the fact that Marie was not treated with respect and her husband deserved what was going to happen to him for the way he treated his wife. Second example is in 1 Corinthians 5, where there is the discussion of sexual immorality which also goes hand in hand with porneia or prostituion. This was very common and the Christian Corinthians were surprisingly accepting of this. Sexual immorality or extramarital sex was a common norm in Corinth. The Corinthians as well as the pagans did not believe in