The following NOS (national occupational standard) for STL (supporting teaching and learning) are relevant to those supporting pupils with special educational needs.
STL unit
Who is this unit for?
STL12 Support a child with disabilities or special educational needs
This unit is for those working with an individual pupil with SEN (or separately with more than one named pupil with SEN).
STL38 Support children with disabilities or special educational needs and their families
This unit is for those working under the direction of a teacher or SENCO to support pupils with SEN.
STL39 Support pupils with communication and interaction needs
STL40 Support pupils with cognition and learning needs
STL41 Support pupils with behaviour, emotional and social development needs
STL42 Support pupils with sensory and/or physical needs
These units are for those specialising in different aspects of SEN.
STL13 Contribute to moving and handling individuals
STL14 Support individuals during therapy sessions
STL44 Work with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs
These units are for those providing personal and/or health care for pupils with additional support needs.
The following NOS (national occupational standard) for STL (supporting teaching and learning) are relevant to those who provide behaviour support.
STL unit
Who is this unit for?
STL3 Help to keep children safe
This unit is for those who encourage positive behaviour in the context of contributing to the safety, safeguarding and protection of pupils.
STL19 Promote positive behaviour
This unit is for those who promote pupils' positive behaviour through the use of agreed behaviour