
Differences Between Europeans And Native Americans

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Differences Between Europeans And Native Americans
Many people are not aware of the problems that Native Americans face in this day and age. These problems first started when the Europeans discovered the Americas and encountered the Native Americans. The Native Americans were nice and welcoming to the explorers, but the Europeans quickly took advantage of that. The Europeans invaded and took over the Native American land and claimed it as their own without giving the Native Americans something as trade or even considering how it would affect them. The Native Americans still face the challenges of people—the US Government for example—taking their land and it seems no one is helping them. This is the cause of the downfall of the Native Americans. This demise did not need to happen and the Europeans could have handled the situation differently by recognizing the similarities their people have between each other.
Even though the Native Americans and the Europeans have their differences, the two societies do have commonalities. And while the two cultures would seem to have different beliefs, they aren’t different as one would think. For example, both cultures believe in a Creator God, fear a mean, subordinate deity (Lucifer),
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Dunbar chooses to make peaceful contact with the Native Americans even though they make several attempts to steal his horse and frighten him. Dunbar starts off believing in the stereotypes that surround Native Americans, but eventually comes to see them for the people they are and accepting them. Dunbar could have taken a more violent route and try to slaughter the Sioux tribe and take over their land, but does not as both of the different societies has something to offer the other. If the settlers were more like the open-minded Dunbar, then a compromise could have been met avoiding the demise of Native

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