Trump has called for the deportation of all undocumented immigrants, and constructing a wall on the Mexican border to reduce illegal immigration. Trump opposes a path to full citizenship for immigrants who are currently in the United States illegally, including people who may have entered illegally when they were children and may have spent almost all their life in the country. Trump has also called for a ban on allowing foreign Muslims to enter the United States.
In contrast, Clinton has called for a path to "full and equal citizenship" for undocumented immigrants who have not committed any violent crimes. She has also proposed creating a new government agency - the Office of Immigrant Affairs - …show more content…
to help deal with immigration-related matters. Clinton has also opposed Trump's suggestion to ban Muslims from getting visas or entry into the country saying that it's unconstitutional and un-American because America is a secular state where all religions — and, indeed, atheists — are treated equally.
In his book The America We Deserve in 2000, Trump wrote that he supports the ban on assault weapons, as well as slightly longer waiting periods to purchase a gun. But in the 2016 election season, Trump has been staunchly pro-gun and against any additional regulation. Clinton has said she wants to balance Second Amendment rights with the goals of keeping guns out of the "wrong hands", in which category she places terrorists, domestic abusers and people with "serious mental challenges". She is in favor of "comprehensive background checks" and "closing loopholes that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands”.
Marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule I drug, in the company of other drugs like heroin, LSD, MDMA (ecstasy) and mescaline.
Clinton does not have a position on marijuana legalization other than to continue with “Keep marijuana a Schedule 1 drug, and wait and see how the "experiments" in Colorado, Washington and Alaska turn out”. Trump has, in the past, proposed legalizing all drugs, claiming that the "war on drugs" was "a joke" and that legalizing drugs would "take the profit away from these drug czars." In more recent interviews, Trump has said that marijuana for "medical purposes... it’s absolutely fine," implying that he is against legalizing marijuana for recreational
In conclusion, I believe Donald Trump is the best choice for our country. He is confident, strong and he doesn’t back down from what he believes in. I truly believe that Trump could “Make America Great Again”. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton has been accused of committing voter fraud on several occasions. Hillary Clinton, to me, is a big lie and I believe she does not deserve to be our next president. Donald Trump would be a great asset to our country.