3. EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JAILS AND PRISONS – Jail is a smaller facilities and have a certain sentences and been adjusted a bail set. And who is being detain for awaiting trails for small crimes. Prison is a larger facilities for much serious crimes, and exceeded for a longer period of year. And no bail.…
Prisons, unlike jails, confine felons sentenced to longer then a year to serve their sentence within the facilities. They are operated by state governments but the Federal Bureau of Prisons also houses federal offenders in Federal penitentiaries. Since its establishment of prisons within the United States, over-crowding has always been a growing problem in both state and federal prisons. Since the beginning of the first state penitentiary in America, which was Walnut Street Jail led by Dr. Benjamin Rush in Philadelphia in 1790, officials and scholars have always been looking for more humane and reformed alternatives to punishments for criminals. Through the years state prisons have found ways of making the penitentiaries more humane and reformed through public work services and other forms of labor. In the 1930s, state prisons developed prison work camps in which inmates would be made to work various labor jobs as “slaves of the state”. Today prisons are much different where they do offer labor programs in some states, prisons are more for reforming the criminals through educational and religious programs. As well as work there is also the variety of security levels for prisons present today which are: Maximum-security prisons, Close high-security prisons, Medium-security prisons, Minimum-security prisons, and Open-security prisons. Most state prisons have multilevel prisons to house various levels of securities depending on the offender. State prisons aren’t the only one that has history throughout the years, as there is also Federal prison. Congress passed the “Three Prisons Act” in 1891, establishing the Federal Prison System implementing the first three prisons: USP Leavenworth, USP Atlanta, and USP McNeil Island. Throughout the years of federal prisons…
The four types of prisons are federal, state, municipal, and military. A federal prison is operated and managed by the government. Federal prisons normally house inmates who have been convicted of a crime in violation of a federal statue as opposed to a state or local laws. A municipal prison is a high security prison. A military prison is a prison operated by the military. Military prisons are used to house prisoners of war, enemy combatants, those whose freedom is deemed a national security risk by the military or national authority and member of the military found guilty of a serious crime. A state prison is a facility operated by a state and used to house and rehabilitate criminals. There is both minimum and maximum security prisons which are divided based on the nature of the crime committed by inmates at the institution. A total institution is an enclosed facility separated from society and physically where the inhabitants share all aspects of their daily lives. Total institutions are small societies and evolve their own distinctive values and styles of life and pressure residents to fulfill rigidly prescribed behavioral roles. Some of these places include prisons, concentrated camps, mental hospital, seminaries, and other facilities in which individuals are cut off from society forcibly or willingly. Jails play an important role in the criminal justice system because it keeps offenders that committed a crime off the streets. Jails also help our community to be safe and there would be less violence. Jails are used as a form of punishment either short-term or long-term depending on how severe of the crime. Without jails in the criminal justice system crimes will be overrated and individuals that break the law will receive no punishments and will keep committing the crimes over and over…
Incarceration began in the United States as a more acceptable and humane way to manage criminal behavior than physical punishment, workhouses, or exile. The earliest places of incarceration were first known as lock-ups or jails and were under local authority’s control. According to Axia Course Materials (2011) these housing facilities were under the maintenance of each county and state by local officials, such as the local sheriff. Jails were lock-ups for offenders in which criminal activity for an offense was pending from small non-threatening infractions, such as loitering to housing other offenders for serious crimes, such as murder. They…
In the United States the number of criminals incarcerated in state and federal correctional systems has grown massively over the past several years. The number of those incarcerated has the greatest effect on state and federal correction systems. From 1930 to 1975 the average incarceration rate was 106 inmates per 100,000 adults in the population (Mackenzie, 2001). These numbers remained relatively stable until after 1975 (Mackenzie, 2001). By 1985 the rates were 202 per 100,000. By 1995 it was 411 and by 1997 it was 652 including local jail populations (Mackenzie, 2001). At the end of 1998 more than 1.3 million prisoners were under Federal or State jurisdiction (Mackenzie,…
The United states prisons have over 2.5 million inmates within their walls. The system has become strained with all the prisoners. There are people advocating for and against the prison system. The system has the good, the bad, and the ugly, but many people disagree on which one prevails.…
In society today, it is commonly known that crime rate has increased dramatically by the years. This is where many of us look for ways to solve such issue. It is the last place anybody would want to be in. but unfortunately we have hundreds of thousands of them, if not millions around the world. Thousands in just the United States, Those are prisons. Just hearing that word makes us think bad things right away. Murder, theft, violence, and everything bad that happens in this world. We live in a world where prisons and jail are very important and almost every country, state, county, or city must have at least one. Prisons now are much more crowded than they were 20 years ago. The number of inmates in just the United States has doubled between the years of 1992 and 2011. The question many of us should ask ourselves is why do we need prisons? Are prisons effective in any way? Are prisons causing economic issues? Are prisoners getting proper treatment while incarcerated?…
Statistics reveal that the United States holds 25% of the world’s prison population, but only 5% of the world’s people. From less than 300,000 inmates in 1972, the jail population grew to 2 million by the year 2000. In 1990 it was one million. Ten years ago there were only five private prisons in the country, with a population of 2,000 inmates; now, there are 100, with 62,000 inmates. It is expected that by the coming decade, the number will hit 360,000, according to reports.…
There is no doubt that America is one of the world’s most sophisticated and advanced countries. Therefore, the prison system must follow accordingly, abiding by the government regulated rules and regulations of equality and fairness that this country was founded upon. Unfortunately for some of the citizens of the United States, they do not always abide by these rules and regulations, which results in incarceration. The federal government, states, counties, and many individual cities have facilities to confine these people who become incarcerated.…
After doing a bit of research myself and viewing different sources I have learned a few things about the different types of jails and prisons. Again I thought a jail was a jail. I’ve learned that Inmates are people who are held in an institution such as a prison or jail. They may have committed crimes, been captured in war, or been denied bail, leading to detainment until they can be tried in a court of law. Prisons typically range from minimum to maximum security, and are often…
America’s prisons have a major importance in modern society. They are a huge contributing factor to the safety of our country and allow for proper and humane punishment for those who commit crimes. While America’s streets continue to be plagued by crime and dangerous people, prisons help significantly in decreasing the crime rate and removing those people from society in order to create a safer place for people to live. Although there are many pros that come with prisons, a handful of cons come with them as well, which allow for arguments to rise about whether prisons should be allowed in America or not. Prisons are a necessity in modern society that punishes and rehabilitates those who commit crimes with the purpose of protecting…
There are numerous differences between men’s and women’s prisons in the United States. Differences in men’s and women’s prisons are a result of a variety of different factors including differences in physiology, brain chemistry, and differences in brain structure. According to Jantz (2014), “females tend to have verbal centers on both sides of the brain, while males tend to have verbal centers on only the left hemisphere.” These structural differences result in vast differences in how males and female connect verbal communication and emotion. The lack of additional verbal centers with male brains result in males being more task oriented and males often have little desire to express their emotions. The additional verbal centers found within female brains give women an increased desire to express their emotions.…
In, “Beyond the Prison Bubble,” published in the Wilson Quarterly in the winter 2011, Joan Petersilia shows different choices about the imprisonment systems. The United States has the highest incarceration rate of any free nation (para.1). The crime rate over a thirty year span had grown by five times since 1960 to 1990. There are more people of color or Hispanics in federal and state institutions then there are of any other nationality. The prison system is growing more than ever; the growth in twenty years has been about 21 new prisons. Mass imprisonment has reduced crime but, has not helped the inmate to gradually return back to society with skills or education. But the offenders leaving prison now are more likely to have fairly long criminal records, lengthy histories of alcohol and drug abuse, significant periods of unemployment and homelessness, and physical or mental disability (par.12).…
When thinking of how America is leading the world the number of incarcerated citizens per capita does not come to mind. America is considered to be the greatest country in the world. It is known for its fight for freedom and its triumph in maintaining it. Because of this many Americans take pride in the country they have been apart of shaping just as they should. However, in recent years problems have arisen that have taken some of its beauty away. One of those is the shocking amount of people who are imprisoned. There are several causes for the sudden overpopulation in Americas jails but a problem like this is not only one that is embarrassing to our country but is also one that could possibly be eased with a few minor changes to the United States jail system. In order for there to be a positive change incarceration must be brought to light as an issue instead of being ignored and neglected as it has been in the past.…
Within America’s prison system there lies many issues. Although we know prisons have become a permanent part of America’s justice system and are needed to maintain a healthy functioning society. The big picture is this incarceration,in the manner in which the American system is managing it may be causing more harm than rehabilitation. As of today the incarcerated population is at least four and a half times larger than back in 1980. At a population of approximately 2.2 million people in the United States behind bars the need for change becomes apparent due to the high costs of keeping all of these individuals in prison and also having an incarceration rate higher than any other country in the world.…