Sincerely, to most people Christianity has been confused and misunderstood, that’s leading to divisions of the Christians for instance Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, the Church of the East, Eastern Orthodoxy and oriental Orthodoxy. Once Mahatma was asked why he didn’t join the Christian church, he replied by asking ‘Which One?’
Clearly, Christianity is world’s largest religion according to the statistics with over 2 billion followers followed by Islam which is currently the fastest growing religion. According to James Fowler, most of the people tend to wrongly describe Christianity as “a religion in which morality and the belief system in correspondence to the bible are regarded as the basis of the role playing …show more content…
and John Lennox took another approach by defining what Christianity isn’t about. Christianity is not a system of morals that has to embrace to its setting. It is not a system of collective truths whereby its legitimacy depends on the thinkers who first perceived them. Nor is it a system of rituals which depend on their efficiency on being accomplished properly. Christianity is good news concerning Jesus Christ: his person, life, death and resurrection.
Differences between Christian and Jehovah’s Witness beliefs.
There are some differences in Jehovah’s Witness and Christianity in which they will be discussed briefly in this part. Christians believe in complex monotheism, where God exists in three forms: God the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit though they present one God and doesn’t mean there are three Gods. In Jehovah’s Witness religion, it teaches that Father is God the Almighty, on the other hand Jesus is a minor god who was the first being created and is not eternal and that the Holy Spirit is only an energy originating from God.
Christians believe that salvation is by God’s grace and must be received by faith which believes in Jesus dying for their sins. On the other hand, Jehovah’s Witness teaches that salvation is limited to one hundred and forty four anointed ones in heaven and one has to baptized as one of …show more content…
The first similarity is that both believe in God the Almighty as their creator and believe in the book i.e. the bible as God’s/ Jehovah’s inspired word and it’s the truth.
Furthermore, they all believe in Jesus Christ, his life being a role model and that he died for their sins. However, he’s existence (Jesus Christ) is different in the two religions.
Lastly, they all believe that the wicked will face the penalties of their wickedness, which is either punishment or destruction and there are the good people who will receive eternal life.
In a nutshell, according to me, all religions have some similarities and differences. The question is, “Which is the true religion to God?” Many people will say, religion doesn’t matter, it’s how you conduct yourself. We find the answer in the Holy Quran Chapter 3, verse 19, “Truly, the religion with Allah is Islam. Those who were given the scripture (Jews and Christians) did not differ except, out of mutual jealousy, after knowledge had come to them. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then indeed, Allah is swift in taking account.”