| | |(AGM) |(EGM) |
|What |Section 142 (1) |Section 143 |Is a GM other than statutory and AGM. Any |
| |A public company (limited company and has a |Requires all companies to hold AGM at least |director may whenever he thinks fit convene EGM. |
| |share capital) must holds its 1st meeting |once in every calendar year and not more than | |
| |between 1-3 months after it commencing |15 months after the last AGM. | |
| |business. | | |
|When |Held the meeting between 1-3 months after it |To be held once in every calendar year and not |It will be held when the Director he thinks fit |
| |commencing business. |more than 15 months after the last AGM. |convene. |
| | | |S 144(1) enables members to requisition in |
| | | |waiting for the convening at an EGM in the |
| | |