Similarities Between Christianity and Other Religions
There are many major religions of the world that have similarities and …show more content…
The three faith each have their own separate Holy Books. For example, Christianity utilizes the Bible which they believe was given by God to man and that the Bible writers were inspired by God in their writings. The Islam utilizes the Quran or Koran that is revealed the prophet Mohammed over a period of 20 years and that the Quran is the final revelation given by Allah to mankind (Christianity in View, 2016). The Judaism utilize the Hebrew Tanakh which is similar to the Christian Old Testament and it is a comprised of the Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim (Christianity in View, 2016). Additionally, each of the faiths have different view on Jesus Christ. Christianity believe that He is the second person of the Trinity and born of the Virgin Mary and the Islam believe that Jesus was a prophet sent by Allah and born of the Virgin Mary also but not divine (Christianity in View, 2016). Then Judaism believe that Jesus was an ordinary Jew and He was not the Messiah nor a divine (Christianity in View, 2016). Additionally, each of the faiths have different views on the aspect of the idea of sin. For example, Christianity believes that sin is a sinful nature through Adam and Eve who rebelled against God and that it was Jesus Christ who atoned human sins through his death on the Cross. The Islam believe that there is no concept of original sin and that all humans are born sinless, but it is therefore human …show more content…
In the article, “Striving for the Sacred: Personal Goals, Life Meaning, and Religion” states that “Religion invests human existence with meaning by establishing goals and value systems that potentially pertain to all aspects of a persons' life…and this provides a general unifying framework to capture the dynamic aspect of religion in people's lives.” (Robert A. Emmons, 2005). Therefore, religion is made up of right and wrong rules that believers have to abide by and it therefore, provides a framework that pertains to an aspect of an individual’s life. In an article, “The social construction of “religion” and its limits: A critical reading of Timothy Fitzgerald” explains that it indicated that it is not the cultural universal but rather emerged under particular historical and political conditions in the modern post-Reformation. ‘Religion,’ they say, is a social construction” (Schilbrack, 2012). Through observing the history of religions is demonstrates that there were different group of people since the beginning of time. For example, Christianity from the beginning has emerged into different denominations within this religion. Through the many different religions is merges into what appeals most to their audience and this turns into a different type of culture and environment. Additionally, I believe another way that religion construct is through the church leaders. It is important to