This study paper is dedicated to the image of Belarus between particular age group - students. The aim of this paper is to define differences in the perception of Belarus as tourism destination. Tourism industry in Belarus is aimed mostly on the outbound tourism, not inbound tourism. Very little research is made on the theme of inbound tourism and its prospective. This paper will help to understand what groups of tourists can be attracted to Belarus as potential visitors, what types of tourism products can attract more visitors. Results could have implications for the practice of tourism entrepreneurship, innovation policy for the tour operators, travel agencies and marketing companies in the tourism sector in Belarus.
Author use professional literature to define key points about perception and its process. The present research suggests that culture and prior travel experiences are strong influencers of the way young people view travel destinations. Perception is the key to attracting and holding potential visitors who will, it is hoped, be motivated to make further inquiries and repeat visits. Perception plays one of the most important roles in selecting tourism destinations. Literature about marketing tourism destinations is also analysed in this work to understand the concept and elements of a destination, to recognize the role of destination marketing and destination marketing organizations, to identify aspects of marketing planning, imagery and advertising for reaching target consumers, to understand the need for branding in destination marketing.
Many works were written to define the image of different tourism destinations. On the example of these works special analysis for Belarus as tourism destination was made. After careful analysis of literature questionnaire was chosen as the most appropriate way to define the perception of Belarus. Questionnaire of international is used in this paper as a method of research
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