3. As one moves within, one experiences Pashyanti or Manasi. Pashyanti means ‘seen by the mind’s eye.’ and Manasi means’ mental’ These are mental sounds which is considered more nearer to the mind than the ear. It is a sound or a melody that hangs around oneself or as a type of music heard in a dream. It is also the picturing of sound such as silently listening to one’s thoughts or the silent repetition of a mantra. One can see but not hear. It has different specific …show more content…
He commented that he is not bothered about people who considered him to be a worthless being looking at his dress and silence.He spoke about how he reduced his talking from one hour a day to once in a fortnight then once in a month.Presently he spoke only two hours once a month.In future he plans to give it up totally.Besides talking, his communication is limited to written conversation with the brahmacharis in the ashram .Written conversation is done only when it is very necessary. Instead of communicating he has become a good listener. In the end he affirmed that Silence teaches one to …show more content…
She had taken a 41-day vow to remain mute. She explained to Hinduism Today's publisher how silence came to her. She had been a speaker for a long time. One day she woke up and wanted to feel how it sounds when one doesn’t speak. She felt that she was solely responsible for so much sound around her. So she experimented on her own self by remaining silent . Prema found the silence profound, and wrote down her inspirations in a small book, “Reflection on Silence” . She continues her silence every Tuesday.
Often it is found that most of the people prefer to observe complete silence for a short period or they prefer to communicate only through writing. Baba Hari Dass, of the Mount Madonna Center of California, had spoken briefly, through a book-sized chalkboard. He controlled all outward expression for a period. Baba was in Kastha Mauna for one year without using anything to communicate .Baba emphasized that there is great advantage in removing the mind from worldly attachments, whatever the means and Mauna is one of the means. Baba gave up speaking over forty years