Introduction Learning varies on each and everyone. Individuals can perceive and process information in different kinds of ways, which implies that the degree to which individuals learn has as much as to do with whether the learning experience is geared to their style of learning. Some of the individuals learn and develop easily in the early stage, while others are not. For some time now educational research exploring the issue of academic achievement or success has extended beyond simple issues of intelligence and prior academic achievement. One concept in particular which has provided some valuable insights into learning both academic and other settings is learning style. There is general acceptance that the manner in which individuals choose to or are inclined to approach a learning situation has an impact on performance and achievement of learning outcomes. Several definitions of learning styles currently exist. According to Fleming and Mills (1992) in their study of learning styles Teaching and Learning Styles: VARK Strategies, they included reading and writing as a category. If a person is a visual learner, for example, he or she prefers learning by observing and enjoys demonstrations, pictures, films and videos. Auditory learners, on the other hand, prefer to listen, read aloud, and talk to themselves and learn best through the use of discussion groups. The tactile learner, a subset of the kinesthetic learner, learns by touching. A tactile learner will learn concepts best by tracing his or her fingers over symbols or patterns and by writing on surfaces with his or her fingers. Unlike the others, the kinesthetic learner learns best through physical movement. They have to do it to learn it. They will walk when studying, take notes, rewrite notes, and usually enjoy role playing. The VARK learning style inventory was initially developed by Fleming in 1987. VARK is an acronym made from the
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