“According to the U.N. [United Nations], about 2.5 million people around the world are ensnared in the web of human trafficking at any given time” (Soroptimist International, 2012). Often, victims of human trafficking fall into this “web” because they fall for empty hopes and promises. Many times they are offered better jobs in more developed countries, other times the traffickers gain the victims trust in order to convince them to be trafficked, or to later betray their trust by getting them involved in sex trafficking. For instance, Vinnie Tuivaga, a hairstylist in her native land of Fiji, was offered a job in a luxury hotel in Dubai making five times her current salary. She jumped at the offered even though it meant paying up-front commission to the recruiter. Sadly the story end with no high-paying job, instead Tuivaga ended un in Iraq along with other Fijians where they lived in shipping containers forced to work and commit sex acts (Newman, 2012). “Sex traffickers frequently target victims and then use violence, threats, lies, false promises, debt bondage, or other forms of control and manipulation to keep victims involved in the sex industry for their own profit” (National Human Trafficking Resource Center). More often than not victims are mistreated and forced to preform sexacts with srtangers for money. Some get paid hundreds and even thousands of dollars to perform sex …show more content…
Sex trafficking, one of the many branches of trafficking, affects ethical, political, and economical aspects worldwide. Trafficking is a tremendous issue that claims millions of victims annually, victims that go on to have physical and mental issues and live in fear (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2009). In my personal opinion, countries all over the world should do more to prevent sex trafficking, and trafficking in general, from happening. People who are victims of sex trafficking and other types of trafficking are constantly being stripped of their rights and should be helped immediately. We should all take part in bettering our country and hundreds of others by cooperating with each other stop this horrible issue that takes place everyday in this world. Moreover our government and ourselves must do everything we can to stop, not only sex trafficking, but all sorts of human, drug, and arms