1. Analytical Exposition Text
Definition of Analytical Exposition
Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter.
Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition
1. Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s position
2. Arguments: Explaining the arguments to support the writer’s position
3. Reiteration: Restating the writer’s position
Language Features of Analytical Exposition
Using relational process
Using internal conjunction
Using causal conjunction
Using Simple Present Tense
2. Hortatory Exposition Text
Definition of Hortatory Exposition
Hortatory exposition is a text which represent the attempt of the writer to have the addressee do something or act in certain way.
Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition
1. Thesis
2. Arguments
3. Recommendation
Language Feature of Hortatory Exposition
1. Focusing on the writer
2. Using abstract noun; policy, advantage, etc
3. Using action verb
4. Using thinking verb
5. Using modal adverb; certainly, surely, etc
6. Using temporal connective; firstly, secondly, etc
7. Using evaluative words; important, valuable, trustworthy, etc
8. Using passive voice
9. Using simple present tense
3. Discussion Text
Definition of Discussion
Discussion is a text which present a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different viewpoints. Discussion is commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social text.
Generic Structure of Discussion
Statement of issue; stating the issue which is to discussed
List of supporting points; presenting the point in in supporting the presented issue
List of contrastive point; presenting other points which disagree to the supporting point
Recommendation; stating the writer’ recommendation of the discourse
Language Feature of Discussion
Introducing category or generic participant
Using thinking verb; feel, hope, believe, etc