The first character I will be comparing is Benvolio. He’s a montague and a cousin of Romeo. He’s also considered a “peacemaker”. But doesn’t really do a great …show more content…
She is the niece of the Capulets and was Romeo’s first “true” love. Although, she had no interest in Romeo. In the movie, and the play, she appears to be the same person. But in the book we read, she was a little different. In the movie and play, although, she never appeared onstage. She was said to be a beautiful, older lady. Romeo in the began often speaks about her beauty a lot. “Oh, she is rich in beauty, only poor, that when she dies, with beauty dies her store.” I think Romeo is referring that she has a lot of beauty. But her personality lacks,so when she dies, her beauty will die with her. And that was the only thing she was known for. The big difference between the movie+play and the book was in the book, we got to know about her. In the book, she was a tough, older but beautiful women. She was also the investigator for the Romeo and Juliet scene, so she was very smart when trying to find out what happened. Roseline in the book was also a very brave person that took risks. She took so many risks, she was sentenced to jail. Overall, Roseline was two separate people between the movie+play and the book