Patriarchy is a social system that values masculinity and femininity. Having this type of social system verbalizes that men are entitled to be in charge and take over women. According to patriarchal society, women are seen vulnerable, submissive, and an extension of men, and the only prominent accomplishment that a woman can desire to accomplish is marriage and child birthing. Earlier, before women’s rights were present, women were pictured as property of their husband and they had an absolute reliance on them. Once dealing with patriarchy the men possess political leadership, moral authority, and control over possessions, and just like they maintain power over their women they also maintain it over their children as …show more content…
In the film Difret 2014 by Mehari, it portrayed many themes such as patriarchy and women rights. In the reading A Small Place by Kincaid it discussed how colonialism had major effects on Antiguan life. Also, discussed was how colonialism affected the indigenous world for worse. Overall, in the film, they consider women as if they do not have a voice but Meza displayed how women to can maintain the same positions as