This report was commissioned to analyze the digital camera industry in UK and to develop some strategies of promoting sales of digital cameras.
The research draws attention to the fact that the external environment shows a good opportunity for organizations to promote sales of digital camera from the following perspectives: the economy in UK has recovered gradually; the improved technology makes digital camera increasingly easier to operate; and the barriers for the new entrants help the existing major digital camera companies to reduce the risk of competition. Therefore, organizations can grasp the opportunities and develop more strategies.
Marketing strategies should be developed based on the understanding of consumer needs, so it is important to identify the different consumer segments. The research divided consumers of digital cameras in two groups: common users, professional users and amateurs, and analyzed the different needs of these two consumer groups.
In addition, the major products and marketing communication methods of major players, such as Nikon and Canon, are also be researched. By analyzing the cases, a better understanding of the different needs of these two consumer groups will be gained.
Although there are some advantages in promoting sales in the digital market industry, the smart phones as substitute products pose a threat to digital cameras because smart phones are easy to carry and can connect to the internet conveniently. Hence, some actions should be taken in order to compete with the smart phones in the area of taking images.
It is recommend that:
Cooperate with smart phone companies.
Expand the investment on digital SLR
Enhance the communication with mass media
A digital camera, which is similar to a traditional film-based camera, captures images digitally. The image taken by a digital camera is recorded by a sensor and it is saved in digital memory rather than on analog film like