Three basic types of digital cameras are studio cameras, field cameras, and point-and-shoot cameras(Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft Word 2000 Project 2). The most expensive and highest quality of the three, a studio camera, is a stationary camera used for professional studio work. Photojournalists frequently use field cameras because they are portable and have a variety of lenses and other attachments. As with the studio camera can be quite expensive.
Reliable and lightweight, the point-and-shoot camera provides acceptable quality photographic images for the home or small business user. A point-and-shoot camera enables these users to add pictures to personalized greeting cards, a computerized photo album, a family newsletter, certificates, awards, or a personal Web site. Because of its functionality, it is an ideal camera for mobile users such as such as real estate agents, insurance agents, and general contractors.
The image quality produced by a digital camera is measured by the number of bits it stores in a dot and the resolution, or number of dots per inch. The higher each number, he better the quality, but the more expensive the camera. Most of today's point-and-shoot digital cameras are at least 24-bit with a resolution ranging