Abstract The use of the Internet for criminal purpose is one of the most critical challenges facing the FBI and law enforcement in general. Understanding and using the Internet to combat Internet
Fraud is essential for law enforcement. The fraud being committed over the Internet is the same
Type of white collar fraud the FBI has traditionally investigated but poses additional concerns
And Challenges, because of the new environment in which it is located.
The Internet is a perfect vehicle to locate victims and provide the environment where the victims
Don’t see or speak to the fraudulent. The Internet environment often creates a false sense of
Security among users leading them to check out opportunities found on the Internet less
Thoroughly than they might otherwise. Computer crime poses a daunting task for law
Enforcement agencies because they are highly Technical crimes. Law enforcement agencies must Have individuals trained in computer science or computer forensics in order to properly to
Properly investigate computer crimes. Computer crime is defined as any person that violates any
Of the provisions of the following; unauthorized access to a computer system, Theft of computer
Services, Interruption of computer Services, Misuses of computer system information, and
Destruction of computer equipment. The general heading of computer crime can potentially
Cover an array of offense by examining several existing definitions of computer crime, as well as
Elements suggested as essential, some Have defined computer crime as any offense that uses or
Somehow involves a computer.
Role of Internet and crime The growth of the Internet has improved our economy, medicine and technology.
Unfortunately, it has brought new opportunities for criminal activity, as well. Often, people
Think cyber-crime simply refers to