Concept Paper
This study will focus on providing the students in digital electronics an effective way to easily understand the basics of the subjects and at the same time, helping the teacher to deliver the lesson with ease. In facilitating learning to this students, teachers need a helpful educational tool to make the students absorb the knowledge that they need. Some students can’t easily understand the topic without seeing the actual tangible medium of learning. This type of learner is known as the Visual Learner. This is supported by the theory of Howard Gardner about Multiple Intelligence in acquiring knowledge where these type of learner needs demonstrations and visually pleasing materials to help them learn.
The solution of this matter is providing them a teaching aid in basic digital electronics. By this, the students can be able to observe and manipulate the lessons by themselves. On the other hand, the teacher can easily deliver the lesson to the students.
This basic digital teaching aid is an educational tool composed of different electronics modules that has its own distinct functions individually, namely: the regulated power supply, pulse generator decoder ic, counter ic and the seven –segment LED display. These modules are arranged in a table top rack in order to be used easily by the students.
This basic digital teaching aid can be made by combining the different fundamental applications of digital electronics. Reviewing the basic building blocks of digital electronics together with its knowledge is necessary needed in order to accomplish this project. Each applications are based in digital electronics reference books and by the suggestions of the technical