Course Teacher: Dr. Newaz Md. Syfur Rahim Associated Professor, Dept of EEE, BUET, Dhaka 1000.
Syllabus: As mentioned in your course calendar
Reference Books: 1. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications – John G. Proakis 2. Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach – Emmanuel C. Ifeachor 3. Schaum’s Outlines of Digital Signal Processing 4. Modern Digital Signal Processing – Roberto Cristi
Course Outlines: This course will cover Chapter 1 through 5 of Proakis’s and Chapter 5 through 7 of Ifeachor’s book.
Signals Systems and Signal Processing
A signal is a function of one or more independent variables that usually represent time and/ or space. A signal contains some kind of information that can be conveyed, displayed, or manipulated. Examples of signals of particular interests are: * Speech, which we encounter in telephony, radio, and everyday life. * Biomedical signals, such as electrocardiogram * Sound and music, such as reproduced by CD player * Video and image, which people watch on television * Radar signals, which are used to determine the range and bearing of distant targets
A system is a practical device that performs an operation on a signal to modify the signal or extract additional information from it. A system may be electrical, mechanical, thermal, hydraulic or an algorithm.
By signal processing we mean the type of operations that is performed by the system to the signal. Digital signal processing is concerned with the digital representation of signals and the use of digital processors to analyze, modify, or extract information from signals. The signals used in most DSP are derived from analog signals which have been sampled at regular intervals and converted into a digital form. DSP is now used in many areas where analog methods were previously used and in applications which are difficult or impossible with analog