"The highest national priority must be the unleashing of woman power in governance and defence . That is the single most important source of societal energy that we have kept corked for half a century".
-Mani Shankar Aiyar
1. It is the society that is the feeder to any organization within its realm and the same is seen through its functioning & projection. Traditionally, men were the warriors & the women housekeepers, the roles were well demarcated. Changes over the period have merged this distinguished line of specific gender task distribution and has managed to put a wedge into the male dominated culture. The first batch of women officers got commissioned in1992, now 17 years past, women still have not been able to break the barrier fully inspite of breaking the crust and making inroads. Yet with time they have started to see the bigger canvas and so also their scope on the same. . A few discriminatory policies as been professed by the government need review such as their short service commission, combat exclusion, and entry into ranks and so on. Different set of policies will only affect the working efficiency and interaction between the two genders in the services. Fore- planning and systematic approach should be the correct approach prior to deciding on any such issue. 2. Notwithstanding this, Armed forces have been constituted with the sole purpose of ensuring defence of the country and all policy decisions should be guided by this overriding factor. All matters concerning defence of the country have to be considered in a dispassionate manner. No decision should be taken which even remotely affects the cohesiveness and efficiency of the military. Concern for equality of sexes or political expediency should not influence defence policies.
3. Induction of women into selected fields of Indian Armed