Containers at port in Manila, PI
Created by Pamela S. Evers, Assoc. Prof., UNCW, for Educational Purposes
© 2007
• Economic Interdependence • Globalization
Israeli children with American Superhero p backpacks
Alexandria 2002 Hong Kong at Night
Rio de Janiero, Brazil ⇒ Chinese goods on way to US ⇓
Embara Indian who performed for US tourists on a cruise ship Jeweler, Egypt
Japanese robot (ASIMO at 2007 Consumer Electronics Show) Cloned Pig, Taiwan
German Navy Ship Lutgens saluting US y p Navy ship after 9/11 Port of Wilmington
Affects b i Aff t business formation, contracts and f ti t t d negotiations, logistics, etc. • Affects how you do business abroad
Modern Shanghai ⇒
International Law
Public International Law formed by international customs customs, treaties, and organizations governs relations among nations
Private International Law national laws (laws of a particular nation) related to international issues that affect private citizens Afghani Women in Front of UN Sign
Sources of International Law
The sources of international law are:
International Customs Treaties and International Agreements
○ Including regional treaties (NAFTA, EU ASEAN (NAFTA EU, ASEAN,
International Organizations and Conferences National Laws
Basic Principles and Doctrines of Int’l Law Int l
Important principles and doctrines applied in the interest of maintaining harmonious relations among nations include:
Act of State Doctrine Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity Doctrine of Comity Kenyan Boys
Act of State Doctrine
Judicial branch of one country will not examine validity of public acts committed by recognized foreign government within its own territory Thus nations may: Expropriate: occurs when host government interferes with f i i ith foreign investor's f d t ' fundamental ownership rights t l hi i ht